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    The craft: https://www.simplerockets.com/c/ih9kfw/VTOL-wirh-engine-issue

    5.2 years ago
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    Well, I think I figured it out. It is a little VTOL design I made, where the engines turn right up. So, while flying, if you turn the engines up AND pitch down, the afterburner stops and there seems to be little to no thrust produced. Today I figured maybe the performance tab would give me some insight, and during that movement it showed a TWR of -0.01 or -0.02. So I believe air was running backwards through the engine. Nice touch from the devs.

    5.2 years ago
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    Yeah either this is a bug in the physics engine or some complicated aerodynamic artifact that we don't understand. Glad to see I'm not the only one to have this issue.

    5.3 years ago
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    Well, just uploaded the craft under the name "Flying wing". It's really simple, but it's bugging me out.

    5.3 years ago
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    Autopilot is turned on with the navball, at the 'lock heading' button. It tries to calculate roll and pitch (and maybe yaw but not sure) so that the plane heads towards the specified heading (by moving the navball with you mouse). The options for proportional, integral and derivative control how the auto pilot interprets deviations form the specified heading, but exactly what each of them do is beyond me.

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    Fantastic. Thank you all.

    5.3 years ago
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    You need to go to your command pod/chip and there will be a button "edit activation groups". You can change their name & initial state.

    +6 5.3 years ago
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    @Kell will try

    5.3 years ago
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    Well maybe this is a problem that only happens in mobile. The orange connection points do appear, but the parts just won't connect in line for me.

    +2 5.3 years ago
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    Yeah, I finally got it working by setting the input x output relations in such a way that it reads the 0 input in slider 1 and that translates to opening the air brakes. Thanks guys! If anyone else has any tip, please leave it here, I found that content about rotators is pretty scarce.

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    So, I have the activation group 1 set both right at the top of the menu of part properties and down at the "rotator input" section. I didn't bother with max and min values for now. Also, at the command chip, I have activation group 1 named. What's missing for it to work then?

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    @MarioG no in-game solution then? I was playing the mobile version, guess I'll just have to drop this idea for now. Thanks

    +1 5.4 years ago