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This is the SSA Branch for the Samilan Transport Sector. Do make sure to credit us if you use our crafts publicly.

Early History:

Founded as the DSA (Droo Space Agency) in 1925, our first rockets were almost like your modern firework, except much cruder and much more expensive. The first time one of the rockets we launched reached the 80km mark of a vacuum was Blazer-I, in 1938.

Silver Age:

After a short few faliures, the soon to become Sputty-V4 launched Sputty 1 onto orbit on July 19th, 1956. This marked the beginning of our Silver Age, with the later Lynn family of launch vehicles. This included the Brigo lander rocket Vera Lynn. Our final launch before a massive budget cut for lack of innovation was Sergi 1, our first launch for the Serga programme.

Tough Times:

After Sergi 1, our funding was cut by 60%, handicapping our capability. Because of this, we decided to merge with the growing SSA (Samilan Space Agency), becoming their Droo Branch. This revitalised our program, allowing us to continue our use of Lynn FV for early Sergi missions.

Rebirth and Rethought:

In the 60s, our Serge series of rockets cheapened orbital travel. For new payload testing, we still sometimes used Blazer and the Sputty-V4. All other previous rockets had been retired. In 1959 to 1962, our Vulco program used the Vulci-Glowstone and Century respectively to get man to space.


We now plan Juno, a series of launches that intend to get man to Luna and back. No launches have been carried out so far, but we have produced the Ouranos I vehicle. This new pioneering age is going to push Drookind to the stars.

List Of Rockets:

Early Craft
Fuller 1
Gershu 1 & 2
Blazer I-III

Sputty Programme
Sputty Proto
Sputty V4

Lynn Programme
Lynn FV
Vera Lynn

Vulco Programme

Previously known as SSADB, EASSADB