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joined 4.6 years ago

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Player Biography  

I doubt anyone reads these, but I am the founder of Saturna Aerospace, whose mission is to assist Droods in their endeavor of exploring space. Saturna Aerospace produces rockets and planes (Mostly rockets).

                 Current Projects

~ELV (Obsolete by 0M1CR0N?)


~Tethys-Apollo (Complete, obsolete by 0M1CR0N)

~Journey (Complete, obsolete by 0M1CR0N)

~Beryll (Complete, made obsolete by 0M1CR0N)

~~These are just some, there are probably a few more I mentioned in posts, but forgot about~~


~200 points- Sunday, February 25, 2021*

~300 points- Friday, April 16, 2021

~6th on hottest crafts page- Friday, April 16, 2021

~4th on hottest crafts page- Saturday, April 25, 2021

~Most upvoted post- Journey III Block B

~1st on hottest crafts page- Saturday, May 1, 2021

~400 points- Sunday, May 2, 2021

~500 points- Sometime the end of August, 2021

~600 points- Saturday, November 24, 2021

*Not exact date. Probably around then though

Previously known as TheGrapeFO0