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joined 6.5 years ago

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I'm Static on SP! Yeah, I'm late to the party, as ever. Also, I take XML modding requests.

Join Mod's SR2 Discord server to talk about all things SR2! Invite link here!

I need to write something here.

Closed Beta Tester
Dropped the "First 'Spicy Beans' of SR2" -RailfanEthan
First place in the SimpleRockets2 Replica Challenge
Third place in the SimpleRockets2 Open Craft Challenge
First tank of SR2
Top user from 11/14/2018 to 12/9/2018
Second place from 12/9/2018 to 1/??/2019
First "Blue" User- Achieved 12/2/18
Break 1: 12/??/2018-??/??/2019

Those who forget their history are doomed to repeat it. I, on the other hand, am doomed to repeat it anyway.