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joined 4.9 years ago

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Hello my name is Tarian, My YouTube channel is TarianeSpace.
I love rockets and plan to go into aerospace engineering as a career.

My policy on crafts that are not rocketry or spacecraft related.
I will only upvote crafts that are or are related to rocketry or spacecraft from the fifteenth of February 2021. I may upvote crafts that are not related to rocketry or spacecraft if they predate the fifteenth of February 2021.
This policy is not because I don't like seeing other crafts being built it Simple Rockets 2 it is just that I dislike the disproportionate benefit jet fighters in particular get over other crafts especially rockets and spacecraft for which the game is primarily intended.

My policy on non vanilla crafts
I will only upvote crafts that do not have mass scaling, drag scaling, xml file edited to be overpowered, utilise too much stability modifier, have major clipping or have parts which are from mods other than REO or SEO.
Note I will also not upvote crafts which seem impossible in real life even in the future for example full flow staged combustion cycle kerolox engines.

I hope you enjoy my crafts. :-)

Previously known as BrTommygun