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joined 4.5 years ago

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about me and what I do

Im a Fairly new Community developer and i love making things and im the proud owner of Aurora CO. Space industries . My plan is to post 2-3 builds a week. I’d also love feedback from you guys too, so I know what to improve in my builds:). I also take suggestions and Requests as well. If you guys like my builds leave a upvote and if theres enough, ill consider a rebuild. I also do build requests too, if there is enough votes and if its reasonable. I don’t have any social platforms but feel free comment i do read them and reply to some. I primarily build stuff that have demand and purpose, but i also build fun and random stuff too. I don’t do scripting or mods at the moment though. But I hope you injoy my builds;)

Aurora CO. space industries mission

Our mission here at Aurora is to work toward making aeronautics the new simple by improving builds, performance and labeling AG slots.
“When I first got the game everything seemed so complex and complicated “ —CEO: topGottem.
We work weekly and daily to provide builds that are simple, Easy to operate, and have high end performance and looks, all while keeping the characteristics Of complex work performance and premium engineering in simple terms. With our builds keeping the complex work performance and premium Quality of a complex build, but being simple and easier to understand, we can revolutionize The builds in the community here at Aurora CO. Space industries! “

Aurora CO. Space industries
— “ making aeronautics the new simple “ —

Signed CEO: TopGottem