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    capital ship production... check! i may have my fun building super capital ships for this game. all i need to know is if there will be something like a gyro system or navigation system to allow us to freely steer and control ship drives at our own will

    6.5 years ago
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    hmm.. this can be a "back door" for my stuff to sneak in SimpleRockets, hnnm i think i can adapt some of the new prototypes for outter space flight..

    7.0 years ago
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    name?.... ...Gastawt? lol Gas + some... fancy sounding ending key word.

    i wonder what players will be able to do in such planets like this, other than leaving some kind of probe, or s Sat to study the planet ? yeah btw, SR2 will have in game objectives? or missions?
    i wonder this planet may have strong pull field, from what i heard gas giants have a very strong gravity pull.

    Gastawt is from the name Gestalt i guess it is Gestalt, from Nier series.

    7.2 years ago
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    cant wait to see the other stuff, so i was wondering, will rockets be composed of pre built sections? much like previous SimpleSpace? and KSP.
    or the players will have to create everything? like in simple planes ?

    7.2 years ago