Auto Credit Based on Cleptrophese's Rocket Lab Electron (Automated; Updated)

It is done.

The rocket is indeed automated, but now there is a choice to fly it manually, as well. Slider 1 controls the upper arms of the launch tower, Slider 2 controls the launch tower itself. Move both towards the top of your screen, otherwise they'll hit the rocket.
Make sure you press 1 and 3 twice before trying to launch, 1 release it from the pad, 3 releases the umbilical. If you don't release the umbilical, it will pull the rocket down to the pad (docking ports are REALLY strong in this game).
Alternatively, press '6' to initiate launch sequence, starting countdown at T - 1:01. The program is now based primarily on altitude, so it flies a little better.
OH! Also, if you're flying manually, make sure you throttle down the first stage engines during ascent at around 2,000 metres up. Otherwise the first stage will flameout too soon, and you can't make orbit.
I think that's all. Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions.



  • Total Delta V: 2.5km/s
  • Total Thrust: 341kN
  • Engines: 15
  • Wet Mass: 2.56E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 13,001kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 13 403m/s 306kN 11.92days 2.56E+5kg
3 1 2.1km/s 35kN 68s 1,703kg
7 1 0m/s 20N 0s 253kg


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