This is a replica of the Gasgano Podracer from the Star Wars Episode I (The Phantom Menace) collection. If you like this, also check out my other Lego creations.
The operation of this craft is identical to my original podracer
- Simple thumbstick operation for mobile/touchscreen users. The left/right sticks control the engines. Differential between sticks controls turning.
- For non-touchscreen, use W/S and Q/E to control the engines.
- AGs control hover and lights
- Hover height is automatically controlled, and has a ground collision prevention feature
- I have used tinker panel mainly to improve physics (disabling drag and collisions on all of the exterior studs) and get the CoM just right without messing with the Lego structure.
- To make this a functional craft I had to include fuel reservoirs and gyroscope using size and mass scaling.
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32.0k Zyvx
This is neat, clever how you got the front beam effect. The controls are awesome, funny though they remind me of a old tank, when the tracks were controlled separately with levers. This is fun.
43.9k goz
Haha I want to start making my crafts available for colonization. Plus the lego figure adds about 100+ parts so this way they are more friendly to all hardware. Don’t worry, I have a long-term project I’m working on with the mini figures that just might blow you away. -
43.9k goz
Me too. Just finishing out a series before moving on to other things. -
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