Even with the development of SPVR going on we've managed to find some time to work on SimpleRockets 2, mainly polishing the game (thus the reference in the title) and adding some of the most wanted features that were simple enough for us to get in time.

The list of bugs fixed this time is quite large, but I think you'll especially appreciate the improvements in the aerodynamics physics, getting rid of some problems with lift forces on mirrored wings, transparency working again on the structural panels, the main launchpad supporting larger rockets without them exploding upon spawning...

On top of that, we've added some quality of life features, allowing cargo bay doors to have different types of doors (including none, which allows for custom fill amounts stacking two cargo bays), allowing the FoV in the camera part to be tweaked per part, and changing it in flight to zoom in and out as much as you want, 2 more sliders and, since we had to update the system to fix the launchpad, a revision on the stock Celestial Bodies.

Cargo Bays

For this beta, the changes in the Celestial Bodies are focused on Droo and Luna, the two main destinations in the game. The biome distribution and some of the colors have been improved, but the main change is the addition of 14 new ground textures and the use of ground detail textures in the terrain, allowing for extra detail in close-ups.


In the coming weeks, we will be updating the rest of the planets and moons to make use of these new textures and maybe add some more if needed. Oh, and in case you bump into it while exploring the new mountains... we'll be adding a new base I'm really hyped about!


The full release notes are here


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    The 0.9.800 beta is live on the Steam beta branch and it will be available on iOS and Android in a few days.

    Join the iOS beta here and the Google Play beta here. Join the Steam beta by right-clicking SimpleRockets 2 in the Steam client -> Properties -> Betas -> and then select "beta - Public Testing" from the dropdown.

    Pinned 3.6 years ago
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    This is the version I started on.

    3 months ago
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    2,959 BeastHunter

    Where is the mountain base?

    2.8 years ago
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    235 bspawn

    @pedro16797 re camara fov:
    What xml or input controllers magic needs to be done to get below 20?

    3.6 years ago
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    I know, are they gonna change it so you can edit that? @KellyNyanbinary

    3.6 years ago
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    They’ve always been like that @Subnerdica

    3.6 years ago
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    What if I don’t want the bottom of the cargo bay to be hexagonal though, sometimes I don’t want that flat interior bottom

    3.6 years ago
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    Sweeeeeeeet!!! Finally adding a new base!! Thanks for all your hard work behind the scenes guys and gals!! Highly appreciated!

    3.6 years ago
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    Die lit

    3.6 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison Whoah. Would that be like SP and SR2 combined?

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    @Thebestofus SPVR is coming out later this year for Quest and Steam, but we don't have an exact release date yet. Glad to hear you have been enjoying our games! Maybe someday we should work on SimplePhysics 2?

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    Because the idea is awesome!!!

    p.s. I have been playing jundroo games since 2015. My fav used to be simple physics

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    @andrewgarison when is the SimplePlanes vr coming out?

    3.6 years ago
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    2,502 XLAerospace

    first onions, not much but the ground has lots more texture

    so pretty much the meaning of the update

    3.6 years ago
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    @PanzerAerospace next week, most likely.

    +2 3.6 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison When will the beta be released to the actual game?

    +1 3.6 years ago
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    Add a way to add a texture only on the doors or body of a cargo bay.
    Also why does "inside texture" only work on Normal Striped?

    3.6 years ago
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    @GLaDOSpOrtal22 I should have clarified that it's RAM that is the issue, not storage space.

    3.6 years ago
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    @GLaDOSpOrtal22 Memory is not storage. Apple devices are notorious for having little memory.

    +2 3.6 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison it’s not memory, it has 120 GB of space and like 10% of it is filled, it’s not memory issue.

    3.6 years ago
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    1,095 ItsMeIshaan

    @AndrewGarrison Thanks ,bro . I have lots of different and simple suggestions.

    3.6 years ago
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    480 Paris77

    It’s not working

    3.6 years ago
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    I hope the official version will overload mod built-in game.This will give mobile players a lot of convenience

    3.6 years ago
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    1,732 neodynamic

    @pedro16797 Better? It’s already amazing! I don’t think what you are going do will be possible, heh.

    3.6 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @DrexxVolv that's not a finished structure, just a WIP base I left there so people could give me some feedback. With the feedback we got we'll be holding the final version for the next update to have more time to make a better spot since this is the first of its kind in the game.

    3.6 years ago
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