6 years. It's easy to forget how long that is. What was your age in 2016? What were you doing? It's been almost six and a half years since development for SR2 started, almost 5 since the birth of this website, and 4 since the closed beta.

It's been a long ride, and the game has evolved a lot, looking back at the first open beta version it's hard to recognize the game. And here we are, on our last dab, the last update before 1.0, finally. Half a year ago I explained we wanted to polish the game for it to be ready to leave early access, and through 0.9.900, 0.9.910, and now 0.9.920 I feel comfortable saying we have done it.

We have tried many things for the career mode (trust me when I say many), and we have found something that seems to fit the scale of the game and how it plays well, not forgetting what makes SR2 special, and making the game more entertaining to play. It isn't Star Citizen but we are really proud of it, and we can't wait to start showing you more in the coming months. Now, to what brought us here: 0.9.920.

The 0.9.900 update improved what we had, 0.9.910 made the game more challenging, and 0.9.920 aims to add some of what was missing before. It's one of the most feature-packed updates we've released. I'll try to cover the biggest features here, but if you want to see the entire list you can find them on the release post here.


  • The new RTG and Generator parts give you more options when solar won’t cut it. The generator can generate electricity from fuel and the RTG can generate electricity from magic. Or maybe it uses radioactive decay. One or the other.
  • Added two new crew compartments. The Crew Compartment can squeeze more Droods into a tighter space, but it’s more sensitive to atmospheric pressures and is likely to blow up if you take it into outer space. The Space Habitat is far more robust to external pressures, but you just can’t fit as many space sailors inside.
  • New Sliding and Clamshell door animations for the cargo bay. The Cargo Bay has also been enhanced to support more customization for those of you who like to dig into the XML.
  • Added a rounded style to the nosecone, fairing nosecone, and defaulted the heatshield to be rounded. Also added a depth curve parameter to support custom nosecone shapes for the XML wizards.
  • The new Slant and Pinch sliders can achieve very interesting shapes with fuselage parts, especially with the Cargo Bay.
  • Added digital night vision cameras, with an XML parameter to change their color (allowing for black and white cameras) and a parameter to hide the base of the camera
  • Added a new Command Disc part capable of controlling the craft and with capacity for batteries and gyros
  • Added a small variant of the solid motor for model rockets and separators, with a new graphite nozzle, more engine prefabs, and reordered the propulsion category
  • Added options to hide the solar panel array cover, stretch the panels to change their aspect ratio, remove the holes between panels, change the sun tracking speed and define the fold angle the panels have when fully opened.
  • Added Space Tourists and a new jetpack style for the very special astronauts Yuri and Sally.
  • Added a Crew Assignment dialog so now you can hire astronauts and keep track of who you are sending to their certain doom.


  • Remade Tauros from scratch in an attempt to make it interesting, and overhauled many stock celestial bodies
  • Added new settings to generate even higher resolution planet textures for scaled space.
  • Added a launch pad in the desert base, accompanied by some intricate valleys, and renamed the base "Ali"
  • Added runway lights. This new structure is available in Planet Studio so you can quickly add strips of lights to your own runways.
  • Added anamorphic flares and overhauled the existing sun flares to support custom colors defined in the system, also making them fade based on the distance to the star. Also, changed the stock star to a blue dwarf.

As you can see, it's a huge update and we hope you enjoy it while we continue working toward the final release with career mode. Thanks for playing!


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    Dev Pedro

    Join the iOS beta here and the Google Play beta here. Join the Steam beta by right-clicking SimpleRockets 2 in the Steam client -> Properties -> Betas -> and then select "beta - Public Testing" from the dropdown.

    Pinned 2.4 years ago
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    30 Sear

    What happened to the test dummy

    +2 2.0 years ago
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    4,422 PZLAgencies

    @ivansheppard853 I believe he did remove it permanently. Hope it gets back in update 1.1

    2.0 years ago
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    @Pedro did u remove the ability to change the name of astronauts (called ‘Droods’ and ‘tourists’ in-game)? I used to be able to change the name by clicking the textbox and editing it.

    2.1 years ago
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    4,422 PZLAgencies

    @ivansheppard853 same.

    2.1 years ago
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    Why can’t I change the name of the astronauts anymore? When I clicked the name, i could type a custom name in.

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    0 Koa123

    Amazing I first started playing space fly simulator then when i learned i downloaded simple rockets 2 it's the best game when i met it was killed by its graphics the graphics and details are top notch

    2.3 years ago
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    Really late but this just made me think of how long I've played Jundroo games. I think I first downloaded SimplePlanes on my crusty old tablet when I was around 9 in 2015? Shame those monstrosities my clueless self created have been lost to the sands of time. In these past few years I have had incredible amounts of fun and these games have inspired me to pursue a career in aerospace engineering in the future.

    2.3 years ago
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    @Zenithspeed thank you all!

    2.3 years ago
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    How would you feel about adding weapons maybe a rotary cannon or a missile

    2.4 years ago
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    @SamTheFox good idea

    2.4 years ago
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    @Pedro how close do you think career is in %

    2.4 years ago
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    wait…what about blimp parts? like, tanks filled with hydrogen, or other light gasses?

    2.4 years ago
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    I thought the space habitats have interior on them where droids can freely move inside, it's disappointing to find that this compartments are just fuel tank shaped stock crew capsules :(

    2.4 years ago
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    @Anat09 I agree! Renaming droods was always a feature, and a good one! Why remove it?

    2.4 years ago
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    yuri and sally be like jeb and val

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    Now that we cant change names
    I have to keep hiring random astronauts until i find one with the funniest name

    2.4 years ago
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    dab indeed

    2.4 years ago
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    Woah, I love hot ones references.

    2.4 years ago
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    0 Anat09

    We cannot name our Droods/Astronauts in this update. Please fix this problem, because it is very nice for roleplaying to be able to name them. I do not know if this was intentional or not, but if you could add the feature back to the game, it would be pretty nice.

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    0 iJones

    i think it's nice on the next update you add something special render on block example like custom build crew compartment i use fairing then i tweak it's property since i can't render the circle block from fuel block then the window was just a colored yellow resemble that it was a crew compartment i have already built a compartment and have put droo their speaking of i think you also need to add hollow block like simple planes cause the droo when orbit and doing dock procedure the droo will get outside its not gonna stay on a custom build cm i hope you add it on next update I'll sure buy the game

    2.4 years ago
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    How about science equipment?

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    2.4 years ago
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    Me: sets battery capacity to infinity using tinker menu

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    @Pedro an opaque white corona might make sense for brighter stars. But a transparent dimmer corona would be better for systems with red dwarves. That way, a player can see the red surface of the star

    +1 2.4 years ago
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