We have recently started (secretly) beta testing SimpleRockets 2 for PC and Mac. We started with a very small group of people, just to ease into this and make sure nothing exploded, including our brains. So far we've had about 165 bug reports submitted and only Nathan's brain has exploded, so it's going well.

We'd like to add a few more beta testers. Please, let us know If you are interested here. We can't take everyone, but I will randomly select at least 25 people. If you are selected, you will receive a notification here on SimpleRockets.com by 10/5/2018 at 9pm CST.

Also, I've been keeping an eye on how much we have left to do and the likelihood of finishing SR2 in October will be rather difficult. It is starting to look more likely that we will release in early November at this point. I have a stash of black licorice on standby. It smells gross.

As a bonus, here are some recent screenshots from some of the beta testers.

Edit: We are finished taking submissions.


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    6,743 DMCcorp

    poor nathan, his brain exploded

    +1 2.2 years ago
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    didn’t even know I was a beta tester but ok

    6.1 years ago
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    12 rcor

    I can beta test a Linux version.

    6.1 years ago
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    100 Jimmybob

    @dootdootbananabus *7.5 billion

    6.1 years ago
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    @Teague theres over 5 billion people,so someone else must be doing that too.

    6.2 years ago
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    21.4k Rafaele

    @Nerfenthusiast Yes, I know it.

    6.2 years ago
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    @andrewgarrison wil it only be released on steam on the 8th or will it be released to the Mac AppStore

    6.2 years ago
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    8th is the release date@AstronautPlanes

    6.2 years ago
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    21.4k Rafaele

    @SpaceX4Life Yes, but probably early November, and not exactly 1/10, it could be 2 of November, or 5 of November.

    6.2 years ago
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    I heard this is getting released in November, now 11 days away, is this true?

    6.2 years ago
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    I know there are already solar panels but the undeployable one's we're not shown.

    6.2 years ago
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    Did no one notice the small solar panel, if that's what that is, And the command chip being so small in the Ion engine photo.

    6.2 years ago
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    0 Siydge

    I wish I entered. I just heard that you could apply.

    6.2 years ago
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    21.4k Rafaele

    @Cylon Hey! I am also Beta Tester of Mac!

    6.2 years ago
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    6.2 years ago
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    205 Vercynis

    So is this no longer confidential then?

    6.2 years ago
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    100 Cooper04

    I'm on discord and people are showing screenshots of the beta. Is this allowed? I thought it was confidential.

    6.2 years ago
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    I wonder what kind of mods this game is gonna have.

    6.2 years ago
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    @MTAnime Oh I know what you mean. They found out a while ago. Also if you did get in you would have to be submiting bugs and feedback. Then once the testing is over and the game comes out you will have to buy the game from steam.

    +1 6.2 years ago
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    134 bonnierfr

    @MTAnime the 25 people already were chosen more than a week ago, if you registered and got chosen you would get a notification on this site

    6.2 years ago
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    @MTAnime What do you mean?

    6.2 years ago
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    6.2 years ago
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    How to know f we get sr2 ?

    6.2 years ago
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    @AstronautPlanes @Insanity Oh ok Thanks!

    6.2 years ago
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    10.9k Insanity

    @Sharandeep981 I think it might be generated with perlin noise and some other adjustment but i dont know for sure.

    6.2 years ago
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