You might be wondering what is taking us so long with this update. We could just blame coronavirus, but that's not the whole story. The problem is actually Nathan. You see one day he was in his basement and noticed that he had three light switches that didn't do anything and this really bugged him. So he traced the wiring all the way from the basement and realized they controlled three incandescent light bulbs in his attic.
Now Nathan needs some help because he needs to figure out exactly which bulb is controlled by exactly which switch in the basement. He could just make several trips up and down the 7 flights of stairs (he lives in a big house) or perhaps there is a way he could start in the basement and only make a single trip to the attic and determine how the light switches are connected to the light bulbs. Does anyone have any ideas on how to help Nathan? His legs are tired.
Now that we've cleared up why it's taking so long to get this update out, we figured we'd share a sneak peek with you today. I'll try and do another one next week.
Get a laptop, then FaceTime yourself to see which lights are turning on when you switch them.
Есть другой способ,(взять мультиметр,выкрутить лампочку на чердаке,включить выключатель в подвале,проверить мультиметром напряжение.)
turn Skype on one device downstairs and connect to a device upstairs so you can look at the light without going downstairs
Ok, this thing has been eating at me. I think I finally have it. The only problem left is the 7 flights of stairs. Nathan is going to have to run. Fast.
Here’s the deal.
Nathan, you need to flip switch #1 and leave it on for a very long time, until you’re totally certain that the bulb is burning hot. Remember, the bulb is incandescent, and will get to a pretty hot temperature. None of that LED energy-saving BS. Also, you gotta make sure there aren’t any fixtures covering those bulbs. You’re gonna want them totally open and exposed. Ok, once you’ve counted to at least 100, mississippilly (sorry, Friends joke for those over 30), you need to turn off switch #1, then quickly turn on switch #2. At this point, Nathan, you’re going to have to high tail it up those stairs, taking at least 2 or 3 at a time. Grab that railing, Nathan, and use it to pull yourself up. It would help if you’d eaten your Wheaties (again, over 30 joke).
Alright, have you made it to the top yet? Yes? Alright, now one bulb will be on, and that goes to switch #2. But we don’t care about that one, that’s the easy one. What you wanna do it grab those other two bulbs with your bare hands. One of them will be hot - or at least warm depending on how speedy you were - and the other should be stone cold. The hot one goes to switch #1 and the cold one is switch #3.
Now, Nathan, you can label those bulbs and switches so that you don’t run into this problem again. After that, you are free to sit back and enjoy the beverage of your choice, basking in the bliss of knowing that you used your brain to solve a simple problem.
UPDATE: could have read some of the early comments, but instead I preferred to write my own monologue.
@Marssmmm yeah
And its hard to just exit the app go to the xml file of that craft and edit it plus it doesn't show all the parts in a craft.
Since theres no mods for mobile i edit the xml file of a craft just to make a single part.
Yes it would be very helpful because you wouldn’t have to ask a pc player xml modify a part and them save that part. @RaZoRgAmInGxD
Are you guys going to integrate some useful designer mods for the mobile version of the game?
Its been boring in mobile because you cant install mods. So why not integrate some mods like the overload mod and some designer utility mods.
@DoublehshAircraftinc Thanks Bro!
Andrew, we need a sneak peak. You can fix lights later
@Taha2468 no problem, any time :)
@DoublehshAircraftinc Ok, Thanks For Helping.
@Taha2468 mods only on PC not on mobile
Can anybody please tell me how to install mods in simple rockets to Android version?? Please I need help
@TOMJeb117 Can you please tell me how to install mods in android in SimpleRockets 2 ?? Please
Wish mobile mod support was a “SIMPLE” process
Maybe it was a typo. If you remember, the old blog posts were 2 weeks apart, on a Tuesday (I think).
It was a closed beta, i don’t think you can join it now @Rocketengine69
Times up Andrew
Do you have a test flight like in simple planes
@AndrewGarrison has it been fixed yet?
Nathan can put a live camera on the bulb and see it from below while switching the switches
Probably cause if you look at the photo, their is no fuselage
@WereOutOfNamesArentWe ok
Like i said im not sure if what im saying is true or not but who knows maybe im right. @DoublehshAircraftinc
Cockpits 🤔 and new buildings