An unusual star only slightly smaller than the sun, with an interesting and highly strange trait: it is the first star discovered to have completely opposite colors (blue and red) at once, being classified with an unofficial spectral designation of AM-G1V. Its appearance is similar to A and M type stars, while its temperature is around that of G-type stars. Not only that, it also has a high metallicity allowing for an absurd amount of celestial bodies in its rich planetary system, something that makes it a prime system for exploration as well as residential and industrial usage alike.
Mortan has the traits of both high heat and low-heat stars, featuring the higher distance of planets from the star (allowing for planets to not be tidally locked) of the latter and the long lifespan of the former. Due to this and its strangeness combined, there is a comically small hot zone, a large habitable zone in which there are several habitable or semi-habitableplanets, and a cold zone of intermediate size.
To this day, the entire system of Mortan is the primary "base of operations" within all of the SDG-1 galaxy, being backed up by the fairly close-by Sirodis.
- Predecessor: Mortan 1.5
- Created On: iOS
- Game Version:
- Radius: 133.2 Mm
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 243.0 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 254.43 km/s
- Mass: 6.46E+28kg
- Height: 17,343 km
- Scale Height: 2,511 km
- Surface Air Density: 1.000 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 5,871 K

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1,276 LampEnjoyer
The cool thing about this is the fact that in a theoretical scenario, this would technically be possible, mainly due to inner layer turbulence within the star, all you'd have to do is just swap colors, actually the turbulence and magnetic field could make a runaway effect like this.
27.1k Zenithspeed
after almost two years, the weird red atmosphere is gone and replaced with a much better blue glow
27.1k Zenithspeed
@JanusIndustries i never gave it a specific metallicity value, just states that said value is very high (which, semi-realistically, is how it has so many celestial bodies in its system)
Sirodis is a star close to Mortan lore-wise, it is featured in Zenith Galaxy, in original versions it is an A-type star but in ZG2 it is changed to a K-type star to make it more realistic, as it has a superhabitable world (Utopia) and a gas giant (Osiris) with many moons
16.0k Tallisar
@Zenithspeed Just how high is Mortan's metallicity? I was working on a system in US2 and it had a lot of planets. In the desc. of Mortan, you said that it had high metallicity which allowed the formation of a lot of planets. I am wondering because for an upcoming system I am going to make, it has a lot of planets, around the star that is 4 lightyears away from Sol.
27.1k Zenithspeed
@JanusIndustries made the atmosphere height scale bigger and then adjusted the brightness and stuff
16.0k Tallisar
@Zenithspeed How do you make the star flare so big and bright? I like it!
1,473 Drood1538408
@Zenithspeed Ramdom post This Is Relates To Analouged Solar System (ARSS)
@LampEnjoyer oh, cool, didn't know that lol
so, based on that, a Mortan with red primary color and blue secondary color would actually kind of work? if so, i might make an extra "Realistic Mortan" with the swapped colors as a swappable option lol