Gargethos is a planet that lies close to its parent star. The star itself is dying, and in a few million years, its hydrogen supply will be fully out. Gargethos has no moons, only a small ring system. Hot Airless Terra.
.old planet
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version:
- Radius: 6,500 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 12.0 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 12.49 km/s
- Mass: 7.6E+24kg
- No Atmosphere

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16.0k Tallisar
Yeah, especially with the stock planets @Zenithspeed. Plus, you can make the expression keywords like sin, cos, tan, abs, etc, negative. I used a (-abs) expression in Rauman to get the lava terrain. I really want to know how to do exponents in expressions since game won’t let me use ^. I do want to fine out how to use smoothstep, just cuz it’s a long word lol. Lao, if there is pos, surely there is a “neg” keyword (I hope)…
27.1k Zenithspeed
for the expression keywords, i know that "clamp" should probably work the same as the regular clamp thing, and "pow" is just exponents
"pos" and "smoothstep" i am clueless about, but i've seen the latter being used EVERYWHERE -
16.0k Tallisar
This was originally meant to test textures, but soon turned out to be a whole new planet lol. I also tested different expressions with new keywords like "clamp". I also found other things like "pow", "pos", and "smoothstep" but I don't know how to work those.
This is NOT part of the Antarius System. It was going to be, but I soon scrapped that idea as I couldn't get the looks and aesthetics I wanted that would fit in with the other planets. Also, this is an old planet, so it should seem evident as to why I didn't use it.
@Tallisar i'm really curious about smoothstep as well, but with still no significant PS documention that's publicly available to my knowledge, we have no clue