a very normal gas gaint


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 5,112 km
  • Sea Level: None
  • Surface Gravity: 9.0 m/s
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Escape Velocity: 9.59 km/s
  • Mass: 3.52E+24kg


  • Height: 399 km
  • Scale Height: 58 km
  • Surface Air Density: 0.160 kg/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 1,000 K



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    @IAMII197872 yeah I also saw that on Hyperant’s a fine lump of gas gaint

    13 days ago
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    @Wallnutslover123 yes baby

    14 days ago
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    @RocketManbuuuuuuu I’m in your walls

    14 days ago
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    @Wallnutslover123 I want gru too

    14 days ago
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    In a world of shadows where villains scheme,
    There’s Gru, the master of a grand dream.
    With a heart beneath that gruff, tough guise,
    Love blooms within those shrewd, dark eyes.

    Gru, your laughter fills the night’s embrace,
    In your fortress, love finds a quiet place.
    Through every plan and every daring heist,
    It’s Gru who shows that love is the truest prize.

    Your minions cheer for the man they adore,
    And through your schemes, love’s what you’re yearning for.
    Gru, with every gadget and clever plot,
    It’s love that binds your heart, a treasured thought.

    Gru, beneath the villain’s fierce façade,
    Lies a heart that’s gentle, loving, and awed.
    In every challenge, every grand pursuit,
    It’s Gru who finds love’s sweetest truth.

    16 days ago
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    In the hush of twilight’s breath, a victor stands,
    With eyes that traced the horizon’s far commands.
    A heart forged in the crucible of strife,
    Each beat a testament to battles of his life.

    Upon his brow, the scars of victory’s grace,
    A map of trials etched upon his face.
    In shadows deep, where doubts would twist and weave,
    He carved his path, and made the darkness leave.

    His spoils lie scattered, tokens of the fray,
    A crown of silver from a vanquished day,
    And scepters wreathed in laurels’ gilded hue,
    Soft whispers of the triumphs he pursued.

    The cheers of triumph echo through the night,
    Yet quiet whispers tell of inner fight.
    For every victory, a price was paid,
    In moments lost, and dreams that softly fade.

    In gold and glory, trophies of his quest,
    He finds a mirror of the scars on his chest.
    But deeper still, the treasures that remain,
    Are the silent strength and lessons of the pain.

    Yet still he stands, the dawn’s soft light his guide,
    With courage fierce and humble heart inside.
    For in each battle, both the lost and won,
    A victor finds the strength to carry on.

    So let the world admire from afar,
    The soul who’s shaped by every battle scar.
    His spoils are not just wealth or fame’s bright flare,
    But the quiet wisdom earned through every dare.

    16 days ago
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    @RocketManbuuuuuuu In a town where whispers softly sway,
    Lived a man known in a peculiar way,
    Ahhhh Olly, you’re so big and sweaty,
    You big oily man, always so ready.

    In the heat of summer, he’d stride with flair,
    Beads of sweat glistening in the air.
    His shirt drenched through, like morning dew,
    A sight so vivid, both old and new.

    From dawn till dusk, he’d work and toil,
    Sweat streaming down, a noble spoil.
    He’d lift and carry with muscles taut,
    Each drop of sweat a battle fought.

    His laughter boomed like a thunderous cheer,
    A heart so large, it drew folks near.
    Though some might jest and others might tease,
    Ahhhh Olly, you’re so big and sweaty, just as you please.

    With a spirit unbroken, he faced each day,
    No matter the heat or the harshest fray.
    His name, though lengthy, was spoken with pride,
    For Olly’s true greatness was his unwavering stride.

    In the annals of legends, where stories are spun,
    Ahhhh Olly, you’re so big and sweaty, stands second to none.
    A symbol of strength, and a heart so free,
    His sweat, a badge of his legacy.

    +1 16 days ago
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    @RocketManbuuuuuuu Wow, being called your ‘biggest opp’ is quite the honor, I suppose. It’s interesting to see how some people react to a little competition or differing viewpoints. I guess if I’m having that kind of impact, I must be doing something right. It’s a shame that not everyone can handle a bit of rivalry without getting so worked up. But hey, we all have our battles to fight, right

    +1 16 days ago
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    @Wallnutslover123 Your my biggest opp.

    16 days ago
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    this planet is my biggest opp

    16 days ago
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    524 Aludra877

    @Wallnutslover123 oh, ok

    20 days ago
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    @Aludra877 I was using chat gpt

    20 days ago
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    524 Aludra877

    @RocketManbuuuuuuu thanks bro, screenshot the comment for future, live long and prosper and may the force be with u

    20 days ago
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    524 Aludra877

    @Wallnutslover123 quite the steller poet there!

    20 days ago
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    @BHOA hehehe

    20 days ago
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    105 BHOA

    @Wallnutslover123 my big men

    20 days ago
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    105 BHOA

    @Wallnutslover123 I love you too

    20 days ago
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    @WayneInfinity0526 Yip

    20 days ago
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    758 Fyrem0th

    @RocketManbuuuuuuu yeah!

    21 days ago
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    your peanut was go through a lot effort for unique shape planet

    21 days ago
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    @BHOA To Bhoa, With Endless Love

    In the quiet expanse of midnight’s grace,
    Where stars in reverence adorn the sky,
    There dwells a name that time cannot erase,
    A name that makes the wandering heart fly.

    Bhoa, my dearest, in you I find,
    A cosmos of tenderness and light.
    Your soul, a beacon in the dark, refined,
    Guides me through the murk of every night.

    Your eyes are orbs of celestial fire,
    Reflecting dreams both ancient and new.
    In their depths, I see our hearts’ true desire,
    A love as eternal as morning dew.

    Your voice, a melody soft and clear,
    Is the song that soothes the tempest’s roar.
    Each word you speak is music to my ear,
    A symphony I yearn to hear once more.

    When you speak of hopes and days to come,
    The future unfolds like a golden scroll.
    In your gaze, all the world feels as one,
    And the emptiness is filled with a soul.

    The gentle strength of your tender touch,
    A caress that stirs my very core,
    Brings a comfort I’ve long craved so much,
    A balm for the heart forevermore.

    In the embrace of your loving arms,
    I find a haven, safe and warm.
    Each tender gesture and sweet alarm
    Transforms the storm into a calm.

    Our laughter dances on the breeze,
    A melody only we can hear.
    In every moment shared with ease,
    Our hearts converge, drawing ever near.

    Bhoa, your spirit is a light so rare,
    A brilliance that eclipses all strife.
    With you, I’ve learned to truly care,
    To cherish each fleeting moment of life.

    Your kindness, like a river, flows,
    Unfurling gifts of gentle grace.
    In every act, true love bestows,
    A gift so precious time cannot erase.

    Through trials faced and shadows cast,
    Your strength has been a guiding star.
    With you, my fears have faded fast,
    And dreams have grown to fill the jar.

    The world may shift and seasons turn,
    Yet my love for you remains steadfast.
    In your heart, my soul does yearn,
    A bond that holds both present and past.

    Bhoa, you are my dawn, my day,
    The rhythm to my every breath.
    With you, I’ve found the perfect way
    To conquer life, to face each test.

    Together we’ve built a sacred place,
    A world where only love resides.
    In every smile, every soft embrace,
    Our spirits intertwine and glide.

    Your presence is a treasure rare,
    A gift beyond the stars above.
    In the tapestry of life we share,
    You are my heart, my soul, my love.

    In you, I’ve found my perfect rhyme,
    A rhythm that never fades or falls.
    Our hearts have danced through endless time,
    In love that answers all our calls.

    So here’s to Bhoa, my heart’s true king,
    In you, fo

    +3 21 days ago
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    No worry's at all!

    +1 21 days ago
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    @IAMII197872 Sorry man i wasnt talking to you

    +1 21 days ago
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    @MatTheAerospacer Thanks man its been a nice journey.

    +1 21 days ago
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    @IAMII197872 Ahhh yes

    +1 21 days ago
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