Quantofol is an interesting world, its 3 times the size of earth and has a very valueble composition, most interesting of all is that most of the composition is unkown (89.0238% unknown, 10.1762% known) and the known parts of its composition is most valueble and would be best to mine ofcourse. Quantofol is rather shrouded in mystery, we dont know much about its composition as shown in the previous statistics, however jusdging by the known composition it is native to the arago system due to the area it formed in, yet there is a possibility that the unkown minerals might actually be foreign elements from other systems or just a system therefore leading scientists to believe that this world isnt a foreign world, but a world that formed in the aftermath of a collision between a foreign world (approximately 2 times the size of earth) and a native world (2 times the size of earth) and the debris then formed Quantolom.


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 3,602 km
  • Sea Level: None
  • Surface Gravity: 35.9 m/s
  • Rotational Period: 14h
  • Escape Velocity: 16.08 km/s
  • Mass: 6.97E+24kg


  • No Atmosphere


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