Sefolomonkos is a rather interesting moon of Estrehanos that has liquid water on its surface. Judging by its composition it lacks enough biological elements as well as compounds to have formed life therefore making the chances of it forming life rather low, if not impossible. This moon, among most had formed with estrehanos and the other moons, judging by its geology and rings, its theorised that this world had suffered a major collision with another Estrehanosian moon which was approximately equal to 0.57SFE (Sefolomonkos) of its size and had a density of 1.02SFE which caused it to have an oddly eccentric orbit as well as its rings and geology, most likely its mountains and plateaus were debris that had fallen down and formed them. As for its water, it is h that the belt that had impacted the dawi system had passed throughand had impacted some of the moons here, it did mostly have comets hence the large content
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Radius: 250 km
- Sea Level: -3,000 m
- Surface Gravity: 1.2 m/s
- Rotational Period: 1d 16h
- Escape Velocity: 774.6 m/s
- Mass: 1.12E+21kg
- Height: 479 km
- Scale Height: 69 km
- Surface Air Density: 1.200 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 280 K