Sand Planet from Star Wars
"I don't like sand, It's course and rough and irritating. And it gets everywhere."
Credit : HyperPatch for the Texture
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Radius: 5,233 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 8.8 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 9.60 km/s
- Mass: 3.61E+24kg
- Height: 141 km
- Scale Height: 10 km
- Surface Air Density: 1.200 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 298 K
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2,237 Luckwut
@Hyperant Go to biome, click on the color, increase its 'intensity' slider (like how you'd make aurora glow). Then, to make the glow more pronounced (It's optional i think), go to atmosphere tab, click on the arrow, set it to 'Terrain', scroll to the bottom, and increase the 'color' slider (I forgot its name but at default the slider should be at value of 2.0)
2,237 Luckwut
@Hyperant increase biome color intensity and "that color slider" on the bottom of terrain atmosphere tab (i forgot the name). You can see it glow real quick if done right.
15.8k Tallisar
Wait the second, how did you get the second star to shine like @Aludra877 said? I am trying to do that for my binary star systems but I cannot seem to do it, even by increasing the emissivity.
2,729 Aludra877
so thats the planets name, Well atleast u got the 2nd start to shine in the binary system
Thank you @Luckwut . I already set the intensity for Kaotetra (name of the star) but now I know how to do it.