Derolofos, is a rather young moon of Estrehanos, judging by its semi exotic composition this world formed because of a collision between a rogue planet and a planetoid, which werent entirely destroyed, yet the collision occured within a gas cloud in Estrehanosian orbit, over time the debris and gas cloud had collapsed into Derolofos in the late Arago era (an era where most celestial bodies were fully formed with minimal activity). Derefolos is rather heavy as it contains metals such as Osmium, Titanium and Gold according to scans, scientists are puzzled by its unique geology with it being rather round, geometric and semi linear (in terms of elevation) at the same time, scientists hypothesize that perhaps it may be due to unkown elements and compounds forming like this due to the environmental conditions of cooling down/solidification. Currently this moon is in a cooldown era as temperatures compared to other late worlds do support our claims, scientists are also excited as there are
P.S this is my first official world done from a blank template (when I say official I mean its in a system)
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Radius: 200 km
- Sea Level: -1,000 m
- Surface Gravity: 10.0 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 2.00 km/s
- Mass: 5.99E+21kg
- Height: 80 km
- Scale Height: 12 km
- Surface Air Density: 16.751 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 388 K
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2,934 KSaf here you go
2,934 KSaf
@Aludra877 no worries man. i saw your work and I knew that you could do some great stuff if you started doing blank templates
2,609 Aludra877
@HighNeurosurgeon thanks for encouraging me to use the blank template, tbh I had no idea what I was doing so Who knows what will happen next time?
No pun intended however I think I cooked here