Auto Credit Based on McDuetchVan's Blank Planet Template

This Icy moon of Gargan and Gargon, as its name suggests, has a frozen surface littered with various crevasses up to seven kilometers deep, slicing through the mountainous surface.

Making these Crevasses has by far been the hardest xml challenge yet. Integrate-Space-Systems/Deltlead suggested that I do a Europa like moon, with long thin crevasses all over the place. Originally I had no idea how I was gonna do it, but when I made the deathstar I used the getPositions modifier with a remapCurve modifier to make the valley on the equator, and I got an idea to try and do a more complex version of that for the Crevasses.

Here's the biome modifier stuff for the Crevasses:

You can use it or reverse engineer it if you want, but if you do then credit me in the description. each paragraph btw is one like of xml, and for each crevasse you need to duplicate the whole thing and change some elements.

<Modifier type="VertexData.VertexDataNoise" enabled="true" name="VertexDataNoise" hierarchy="Ravines/VertexDataNoise" order="0" pass="Height" noiseType="ValueFractal" maskDataIndex="-1" seed="234" frequency="14" strength="-0.5" fractalType="FBM" octaves="12" fractalLacunarityType="Default" lacunarity="4" fractalAmplitudeType="Default" gain="0.35" interpolation="Quintic" dataIndex="4" />

<Modifier type="VertexData.GetPosition" enabled="true" name="GetPosition" hierarchy="Crevasse/GetPosition" order="0" pass="Height" dataIndexX="1" dataIndexY="0" dataIndexZ="-1" />

<Modifier type="VertexData.RemapLinear" enabled="true" name="RemapLinear" hierarchy="Crevasse/RemapLinear" order="0" pass="Height" dataIndexInput="0" dataIndexOutput="3" fromMinValue="-30" fromMaxValue="30" toMinValue="-30" toMaxValue="30" />

<Modifier type="VertexData.BasicArithmetic" enabled="true" name="BasicArithmetic" hierarchy="Crevasse/BasicArithmetic" order="0" pass="Height" dataIndexInputA="1" dataIndexInputB="3" constantValueInputC="0" dataIndexOutput="0" arithmeticType="AddAPLUS_B" />

<Modifier type="VertexData.RemapCurve" enabled="true" name="RemapCurve" hierarchy="Crevasse/RemapCurve" order="0" pass="Height" dataIndexInput="0" dataIndexOutput="0" curve="-1,0,0,0|-0.007,0,0,0|-0.001,1,1,1|0.001,1,1,1|0.007,0,0,0|1,0,0,0" />

<Modifier type="VertexData.RemapCurve" enabled="true" name="RemapCurve" hierarchy="Crevasse/RemapCurve" order="0" pass="Height" dataIndexInput="1" dataIndexOutput="2" curve="-1,0,0,0|-0.5,0,0,0|0,1,1,1|0.5,0,0,0|0.8,0,0,0|1,0,0,0" />

<Modifier type="VertexData.BasicArithmetic" enabled="true" name="BasicArithmetic" hierarchy="Crevasse/BasicArithmetic" order="0" pass="Height" dataIndexInputA="2" dataIndexInputB="0" constantValueInputC="2" dataIndexOutput="3" arithmeticType="MultiplyATIMES_B" />

<Modifier type="VertexData.RemapLinear" enabled="true" name="RemapLinear" hierarchy="Crevasse/RemapLinear" order="0" pass="Height" dataIndexInput="3" dataIndexOutput="3" fromMinValue="-30" fromMaxValue="30" toMinValue="30" toMaxValue="-30" />

<Modifier type="VertexData.BasicArithmetic" enabled="true" name="BasicArithmetic" hierarchy="Crevasse/BasicArithmetic" order="0" pass="Height" dataIndexInputA="3" dataIndexInputB="4" constantValueInputC="2" dataIndexOutput="4" arithmeticType="MultiplyATIMES_B" />

<Modifier type="VertexData.RemapLinear" enabled="true" name="RemapLinear" hierarchy="Crevasse/RemapLinear" order="0" pass="Height" dataIndexInput="4" dataIndexOutput="4" fromMinValue="-20" fromMaxValue="20" toMinValue="-20" toMaxValue="20" />

<Modifier type="VertexData.BasicArithmetic" enabled="true" name="BasicArithmetic" hierarchy="Crevasse/BasicArithmetic" order="0" pass="Height" dataIndexInputA="3" dataIndexInputB="4" constantValueInputC="2" dataIndexOutput="3" arithmeticType="AddAPLUS_B" />

<Modifier type="VertexData.GenerateHeight" enabled="true" name="GenerateHeight" hierarchy="Crevasse/GenerateHeight" order="0" pass="Height" generateHeightType="LerpToFromZero" dataIndexInput="3" dataIndexOutput="3" minHeight="-7000" maxHeight="7000" inputMinValue="-1" inputMaxValue="1" />

<Modifier type="VertexData.UpdateFinalHeight" enabled="true" name="UpdateFinalHeight" hierarchy="Crevasse/UpdateFinalHeight" order="0" pass="Height" dataIndex="3" />



  • Radius: 270 km
  • Sea Level: None
  • Surface Gravity: 2.9 m/s
  • Rotational Period: 4d 8h 25m 57s
  • Escape Velocity: 1.24 km/s
  • Mass: 3.12E+21kg


  • No Atmosphere



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    8,572 McDuetchVan

    @6yearsofdragon there should be a dev console button somewhere in the designer. Press that, type in PlanetStudio and press exicute

    4.5 years ago
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    21.4k Rafaele

    I love this, very nice job :3

    +1 4.5 years ago


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