Regarded as "The holy grail" by dessef mining, this moonmoon hosts seas of a supercooled coolant (no life detected, and no diving allowed), mineral rich islands as well as precipitation of D2O (frozen ofc). This world has some peculiarities when it comes to island formation, scientists thoerise that there werent originally islands but rather whole continents, which have been slowly eroded away by the oceans of coolant (FYI erosian isnt a chemical reaction rather a natural reaction due to active bodies of liquids hitting land masses, usually due to the height of these islands erosian is occuring at a higher rate due to the height and the fact that there is more surface area for the liquid to erode than if there were coastlines, this usually impacts higher islands worse ofc) This world has a native composition for the deprona system, however it seems to farry most of the valueble and useful minerals and materials.
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Radius: 80 km
- Sea Level: 800 m
- Surface Gravity: 1.4 m/s
- Rotational Period: 10h
- Escape Velocity: 471.0 m/s
- Mass: 1.33E+20kg
- Height: 82 km
- Scale Height: 12 km
- Surface Air Density: 1.200 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 55 K