Kepler-62e is the fourth planet in the Kepler-62 star system. It is a Oceanic super-Earth with most of its surface covered in endless ocean of water. Its temperature are somewhat hot. Deep underwater lies network of oceanic trenches and mountainous terrain. It has dazzling aurora and thick polar clouds visible from space.
(Credit HyperPatch for the texture and eyov2 for the aurora)
(Craft used in pics)
- Successors 2 post(s)
- Created On: Android
- Game Version: 0.9.923.0
- Radius: 10,269 km
- Sea Level: 0 m
- Surface Gravity: 12.0 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 15.70 km/s
- Mass: 1.9E+25kg
- Height: 166 km
- Scale Height: 11 km
- Surface Air Density: 1.900 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 315 K
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2,237 Luckwut
@AK5Z To make the aurora bright, you need to increase the 'intensity' in biome color.
To make the aurora appear closer, first go to planet properties section (place to add description, change gravity, etc.) then scroll to bottom. Disable 'automatic' on QuadSphere Loading Distance and set the both value closer to the radius of your planet. -
15.6k Tallisar
How did you get the auroras to appear closer and have those bright light beam things
2,237 Luckwut
@Aludra877 Ello, I copied the aurora effect from this template by eyov2, Have a nice day.
2,669 Aludra877
Good day @Luckwut thanks for the upvote firstly! Secondly, may u pls tell me how to do the Aurora Affect because I would really like to use it for some of the planets,
2,237 Luckwut
@StarDominatorIIVV Yea, go ahead and I've tried less glowy aurora (only emission) and looks a bit weird.
@Luckwut I know the intensity, but thank you! This will make the planets and moons that have auroras better! Thank you!