Pronounced: Day-a-fall
Daefoll is the moonmoon Selofolonk which is rather young. It formed from its parents outer rings (which were much larger at the time) due to matter collapsing on itself due to it gravitationally pulling itself together. It is rather interesting as it has a glowing substance scattered across its surface, which could either be a sole exotic element (whichd mean that the moon that was ripled apart by Selofolonks roche limit was from another system all together) if not 2 elements causing a dry reaction which is responsible for this glowing substance. It seems to have gotten its craters from other forming moonmoons due ti it being the largest and drawing in more celestial bodies within
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Radius: 37 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 0.6 m/s
- Rotational Period: 10h
- Escape Velocity: 218.4 m/s
- Mass: 1.33E+19kg
- No Atmosphere

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