a mostly icy and watery would witch can surport life it is the fruit basket of the system its warter is very salty and has a large amount of deuterium in it keeping it from freezing most of the fields that grow the fruit and other souces of food are under ground
- Predecessor: Harcunov
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Radius: 200 km
- Sea Level: 0 m
- Surface Gravity: 5.5 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 1.48 km/s
- Mass: 3.3E+21kg
- Height: 104 km
- Scale Height: 15 km
- Surface Air Density: 1.200 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 280 K

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2,307 RocketManbuuuuuuu
@QuantumSpaceJNO also I know it's not possible on mobile there's no cubemap command (Trust me I've been told this over like 4 times)
2,307 RocketManbuuuuuuu
@Aludra877 thanks I might just make some more, ps sorry to just make this and disappear again I will finish mostly everything I have planed before I leave for real
11.4k QuantumSpaceJNO
also to make the clouds no appear while on the water you can use a color blend, set the alpha source to 0 and put enabled with symbols type CUBEMAP you must put it in full caps or else it wont work. These posts can help you also. post 1 - Post 2 - If you need more help I could post a fourm about making clouds.
@RocketManbuuuuuuu why are you leaving? is everything ok? (Im just asking out of curiosity and I dont mean it in a cruel/mean way)