Despite its name sounding like your typical Spanish Stallions name, Estrehanos is a rather small gas giant (its one of the smaller ones in the system) with an interesting composition giving it red and yellow bands (hence its name due to the pattern having several bands in the colour of Spains flag). It seems to be from the more inner regions of the system and was slingshot out as it most likely started as a planet (20 393km in diameter) before being slingshot by larger world which possibly was slingshot out of the system, if not then colliding with a passing rogue world causing more debris. Estrehanos moved into a more stable orbit and was on a flyby course of a forming Xeloxonox (which at the time had more mass than estrehanos) which caused it to be its current position and orbit, it then collected gas and then became the gas giant it is today. Its rings most likely came from an early moon reching its roche limit and some gas it didnt collect, as well as a collision between 2 moons. If you were on estrehanos (lets say on some random floating platform at the time of its rings formation and can somehow live until its complete formation), the view would be both very beautiful and eventful as youd see some otherjovians and moons forming.


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 21,000 km
  • Sea Level: None
  • Surface Gravity: 37.2 m/s
  • Rotational Period: 5d 20h
  • Escape Velocity: 39.52 km/s
  • Mass: 2.46E+26kg


  • Height: 515 km
  • Scale Height: 75 km
  • Surface Air Density: 0.160 kg/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 1,000 K


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    2,609 Aludra877

    P.S Yes Ik Spain was responsible for colonization and some bad things however I do not support that, the only reason Estrehanos is the way it is, is because I wrote names and basic description lf the major worlds of the arago system while JNO reverted to premium and I couldn't play it, I just made it this way because it's name was spanish

    Pinned 18 days ago

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