Droo, a rare jem that once hailed life and even life of intelligence, the once scientificly curious droods roamed this world as their homeworld and fought to the tooth and bone to protect it. The joint attack lead by the Hadesians and Inhosterrans had devastated the droo system, Luna, was shelled to its roche limit (through the use of highly explosive ammunition) therefore giving droo rings, Brigo, now an inhosterran world cannon and T.T being harvested by the Hasedians for its resources. The hadesians had extracted all of droo's greenhouse gasses as well as used "debris torpedos" which is supposed to make a large amount of light debris to block out the target worlds star from view. The inhosterrans had made a tough equatorial blockade which preve ted the droods from escaping, as well as destroying any existing space hab, therefore leading to the droods extinction and the death of the drood biosphere. (PLS NOTE THIS IS NOT CANON but I did it for fun lol)
- Predecessor: Droo
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Radius: 1,274 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 9.8 m/s
- Rotational Period: 14h
- Escape Velocity: 5.00 km/s
- Mass: 2.38E+23kg
- Height: 8,283 m
- Scale Height: 899 m
- Surface Air Density: 1.200 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 30 K
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2,669 Aludra877
@Cubantech it's not like Mars lol. I can't give u a reason for it's destruction as it will spoil future lore, as tbe events that have led to this noncanonical event are actually canon
2,960 Cubantech
Also aludra why was droo turned into mars, like I dont see a reason to obliterate droo
2,669 Aludra877
@Zenithspeed the destruction of droo might not be Canon but the events that lead up to this non Canon event are very much canon
2,669 Aludra877
@Zenithspeed well let's just say that telling u that might spoil future lore, I wish I could tell u but that's for when the deprona system is finished
27.1k Zenithspeed
just curious, why did those two civilizations want to destroy Droo?
2,669 Aludra877
@Cubantech it's more of an apocalypse as if they were wanting to invade they'd just want to eliminate the droods and not droos biosphere as a whole,
2,669 Aludra877
@Cubantech Here is the final product lol, I guessnI kinda cooked here lol
Ok 8 guess I must wait