Other Name(s): V'Torquwa, Uterkuwa
Pronunciation: Oot - teh - kesh
"Indulgence of Disproportion"
no US2 reference-sorry :(
inspiration: 152830 Dinkinesh
[Note]: Dinkinesh was the main inspiration, as I wanted something with a ridge, but not an apparent one like Cerra'Trune.
Cool Micro Terra
General Characteristics:
Lunar Masses: 0.0000439 lE
Lunar Radius: 0.0245 lE
Density per cubic centimeter: 5.94 g/cm^3
Avergage Temperature: ~295.7k (431.2k - 160.2k)
Surface Gravity: 0.119 m/s^2
Age: ~7.149 SMY
Atmospheric Characteristics:
[Atmosphere Absent]
Orbital Characteristics:
Orbital Parent(s): Vortís
Orbital Period: 0.339 S
Semi-Major Axis: 0.0000534 AU
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.11401
Orbital Inclination: 28.43° [Matched Obliquity]
Rotational Period: 0.339 S [Tidally Locked]
Obliquity: 28.43° [Matched Inclination]
1st moon from Vortís. Lies before the orbit of Shabol.
Uttekesh is the innermost moon of Vortís, along with being the largest. Uttekesh also has a very large ridge (if you can even call it one) around its equator. One considerable feature about Uttekesh is that nearly all of the craters are concentrated at the equator. With this evidence, scientists and Hypereans have concluded that Uttekesh was once a large asteroid orbiting within the rings of Arkkanna. Throughout thousands of years, Uttekesh was pushed out by gravity and was caught in the orbit of Vortís. However, it was a moon of Zeraphus, but only for a short time, as Uttekesh was slingshotted by Zeraphus' gravity towards Vortís. Because of its early habitation in the Arkkannian rings, Uttekesh also fostered extremely rough terrain, making landing difficult. Uttekesh is one of the most bizarre moons in--not only the Vortan System--but also in the Inner Arkkannian System, also defined as the "Andrean Sector".
Natural Satellites:
Total Amount of Natural Satellites:
| Major: 0 - Minor: 0 |
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version:
- Radius: 43 km
- Sea Level: None
- Surface Gravity: 0.1 m/s
- Rotational Period: N/A
- Escape Velocity: 100.7 m/s
- Mass: 3.23E+18kg
- No Atmosphere

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16.0k Tallisar
Well, to start, the "hexagon pattern thing" is a cellular noise on a high frequency. They can be used in a wide variety of things, like storms on gas giants, terrain, surface features, etc., etc. Some popular uses of cellular noise are for creating ice planets or icy regions, whether it is icebergs or mountains. In this instance, I paired it with the general shape noise. I used two noises for the shape (aside from the ridge--it creates the oblateness), with the primary being a Value Fractal and the secondary being cellular. I put it on a high frequency along with some domain warps to give its current effect. I do not know how to make a tutorial for them, mainly because of their wide range of uses. I just explained how and what I used them for. So for a recap, I used cellular noise to create the hexagon-like pattern @67milo.
1,045 67milo
@Tallisar like a tutorial on how to make it look like that hexagon pattern thing
16.0k Tallisar
Can do, but your query is too broad @67milo. There are many aspects when I made this, like oblateness, craters, surface detail, patterns, and many others. To which are you referring (note: "All of them" is an unacceptable answer).
3,904 Junkthunder
4 pic be looking majestic !!.
Also crumbly dry Potatoe moon, very nice
16.0k Tallisar
You should check out this moon @Aludra877. Uttekesh is a submoon of Vortís, so if you want to see how the city lights are made, go check that out. The best I remember from making city lights (it's been a very long while) is that it is basically just painted noise. It is typically a high-frequency noise, but I have yet to put this on anything else, as it has been a very, very long time since I tampered with them.
2,824 Aludra877
That 4th pic...how did you get city lights? Pls share lol I need this as I want to do populated systems in the future lol, also really dope roid, also cubic fractal makes roids look crystalline in shape, just as a tip incase u didn't know.
16.0k Tallisar
Yup, it definitely did not travel across the universe to a galaxy called "Astraeus" and just so happened to be headed towards the Tanis nebula, where it got captured by the central star system, then by the largest planet, and by its third moon. I don't think that happened @deepfriedfrenchtoast... or did it? (Vsauce music plays)
10.9k deepfriedfrenchtoast
So this is what happened to that one chicken nugget that fell under the seat of my car a while ago.
PS: the Droonaut I used is named "Zaikin". I typically use the Droods for taking surface pics, but I just wanted to show off my favorite Drood lol