A beach retreat? Nah you need a vacation if u saw that upon first glimpse! All humour aside tho, Frello formed within a relatively non ferrous area within Chrometo's SOI, upon formation it was slingshot lightly by another world therefore causing its orbit to be eccentric (highly), fortunately, due to the evening out of Frollotonks orbit, it then got caught by Frollotonk and is Frollotonks moonmoon. Its composition does host some heavy metals as well as some basic, not so valueble materials. It has large fields of Desonium, which, as a liquid is inert, semi dense and cold. As a gas it is simply a noble gas which doesnt give it much use entirely according to our tests. As a solid it doesnt have much use either, it can still be used to throw at somebody incase of an emergency but thats where the usefulness of this element just about stop for now, further research has to still be conducted before a verdict is passed.


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 794 km
  • Sea Level: None
  • Surface Gravity: 3.7 m/s
  • Rotational Period: 4d 8h 25m 57s
  • Escape Velocity: 2.42 km/s
  • Mass: 3.47E+22kg


  • No Atmosphere


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