Launched with either or both of these space port pieces and the instructions dont update. Ive docked them to the station and no progress is made. Thanks

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    Instructions dont update: I had the same problem, solved it !
    I thought "Space Port Esperanza" what a silly name and renamed modul to "ISS".
    But Programm seeks for target by name.
    Make Sure your target is "Space Port Esperanza" , check upper/lower case spelling rename your station to SPE and docking is fine again

    Also here:

    2 hours ago
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    Got me again lol, restarted my career and once I hit speedy pollution it bugged out. It did also around that time go into a slightly lower (299x300) orbit but I fixed that. Bummer I guess I’ll start over… again..

    2 months ago
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    615 lviani1

    I accidentally deorbited the Radix Module now the rest of the station contracts dont work because I have nothing to dock to, what should I do? Is there a way to restart the contract.

    3 months ago
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    615 lviani1

    I accidentally deorbited the Radix Module now the rest of the station contracts dont work because I have nothing to dock to, what should I do? Is there a way to restart the contract.

    3 months ago
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    @Pedro thanks!

    3 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @seanplaystoomuch we have a patch that fixes this issue coming soon

    +2 3 months ago
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    @Pedro can i upload my career sandbox somewhere or something for this to be fixed? i just wanna finish this station i feel like it's holding me up and i really don't wanna start over again

    3 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

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    3 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

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    3 months ago
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    @Erunion I tried that as well, bug still not fixed :/

    +1 3 months ago
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    Thanks @Erunion I’ll try that, still facing the issue

    +1 3 months ago
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    I had the same bug. I discovered that if “approach the space port” is not shown as an incomplete objective when you are on the launch pad then your mission can not be completed. Abandoning the mission doesn’t fix it.
    I was able to eventually fix it by using “resume flight” as the space port. I turned every module off and on, I also used its engines to get it closer to its original 300x300 orbit. The bug appears to be caused by the mission not being able to locate the space port to target and something I did fixed that.
    You’ll know it’s fixed if the “approach the space port” objective is shown on the launch pad.

    +1 3 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

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    3 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

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    3 months ago
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    When will it be repaired?

    3 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

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    3 months ago
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    Dev Pedro

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    3 months ago


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