Ore extraction and production of fuel would be cool. Oh, and of course some drilling parts, converters (maybe some more complex production chain, that would be awesome), ore containers and maybe pipelines (I mean, for fuel, not for continuous integration ^^). This may be another way of making game deeper without that much of an engineering effort.
Ore extraction, production of fuel, drills, converters, pipelines and ore containers
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3,645 HamV2
It says it’s active but I can’t find a drill part on iOS. Is this regular?
278 GhostOfKyiv
@Exo200 Maybe it would be a cool career mode feature, but I think it would seriously change the feel of the game if released before then.
221 SiriusK
Make the ores able to be converted to fuel, materials and sellables!
This will be epic for a huge base far away from droo, being able realisticly launch ships -
278 GhostOfKyiv
@Exo200 It would just feel too much like astroneer and not like SimpleRockets 2.
278 GhostOfKyiv
@Exo200 It would seriously change the feel of the game. And I don’t think it would be in a good way.
3,143 speediplayz
this could be expanded into being able to find patches of methane gas or some similar things, or turning water into hydrogen and oxygen for vehicle fuel or if they do add characters, also for breathing
21.9k AramL
That could be very cool for realism and more complex mission. Could do the same with atmosphere.
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