(before this thing starts, its a mash up of a bunch of stuff)

i mean

most of us are here from SimplePlanes. Well, as of October 2nd, 2018, that is.

most of us are used to a flat endless ocean

with an endless atmosphere that doesn't provide air after 50k ft (give or take)

most of us aren't used to being able to visit other frickin planets

well, i mean some of you guys are from the OG simple rockets community on Reddit

but thats not the point

its the fact (eventually) we'll have a good game to build rockets

and trains

and boats (cough @WahrscheinlichIch)


heres a very important point that ThePilotDude briefed/discussed on the forum provided

so basically

stop asking for it to be released now

it's pretty pointless, especially when they ask for it on mobile

dude, the devs haven't even made a beta verison for mobile

that's because it's easier to fix bugs on PC than on mobile, don't @ me on that

and P L E A S E

don't put comments on Andrew's post saying "pick me" or "do more than 25"

first of all, it literally says that theres been some people who got early access, so i can confirm that there's gonna more than just 25 of them.

secondly, it also literally says you gotta sign up on the provided document, just so the devs know who'm'st've'd is willing to do stuff and not just brag

"hay guyz, i got early ack-shesh, git on mah leval"

so anyways

i guess this is kind of like

you know

the actual beginning of SR2

and soon we won't be having just forums to earn points, like i do


lets be a good and functional community that doesn't ask for early access for a (currently) PC game when all you have is a first gen iPad

in other words

be the Sweet Bean


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  • Profile image
    3,462 tsampoy

    It’s going to be realeased on the first week of Novemberfor PC/Mac.
    And early 2019 for Mobile.

    +1 6.4 years ago
  • Profile image
    130 FastDan

    @Ihavenorealideawhatiamdoing Lol, I won't pay attention and Google translate stinks.

    6.5 years ago
  • Profile image
    130 FastDan

    Ey, good job on 40 points!

    6.5 years ago
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    это всего лишь проверка силы перевода Google, не обращайте внимания, спасибо.

    6.5 years ago
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    It would be great to help beta test tho, probably won’t happen for me but hope springs eternal :)

    6.5 years ago
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    3,272 Chancey21

    Congrats on 400!

    6.5 years ago
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    1,042 RailfanEthan

    @Tully2001 who knows, i could be the first to 500, idk

    6.5 years ago
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    538 Wogchamp

    Hhmmm, I hope it's easy to mod maps :/

    +1 6.5 years ago
  • Profile image
    130 FastDan

    Yeees!!!I hate seeing those comments like, "I'm waiting to be chosen.".
    It just infuriates me! :/

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    But for those of us who have played KSP, we are used to this kind of game (I have played KSP, however, I do know that not everyone has)

    Btw it is very hard to make trains in KSP, this will be far better for that.

    6.5 years ago
  • Profile image
    120 KDS

    Good PSA, likely to be listened too for the long term; sorry, but the idea is judt unlikely and makde me laugh, a little to myself

    Though still, good clap to you

    6.5 years ago
  • Profile image
    4,311 Shigure

    is spicy bean

    jk jk. I'm a sweet bean~

    6.5 years ago
  • Profile image
    1,015 ThePilotDude

    The Sweet Bean the ultimate state of being

    6.5 years ago
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    calp clap clap

    6.5 years ago
  • Profile image
    1,042 RailfanEthan
    +1 6.5 years ago
  • Profile image
    3,272 Chancey21

    Wow a useful post

    6.5 years ago
  • Profile image
    3,272 Chancey21

    Dude they have been announced @ThePrototype

    6.5 years ago
  • Profile image

    I just Hope hinges and rorators are a thing in SR2.... I wanna make a steam train mechanism

    6.5 years ago


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