We'll Go to the moon

I've been working on this project for a while now, along with @Phillipine Pacific Space and I hope we can do what humanity most desires, conquer and dare all limits! After all, limits only exist until they are broken, and we believe in that! We will do everything to make this adventure come true!


The Lunar Lander SELENE is a high-tech Lander, with very advanced components, aimed at doing science and giving a new meaning to Earth-Moon travel.Its fully thought out design, refers to a modern technique, with small but many lateral engines, and protected, freed from part of the lunar regulite at the time of landing. We know it's not an easy mission, that's why we will do these things, we know our potential and our courage.


On board the Canopus rocket we will take off in the SLC-41 in Florida, for a direct interception with the Moon, and a trip of about 3-4 days. After a successful launch, the mission will enter 1-6 phases of the first part of the mission. Part 1 is a successful launch aboard Canopus, we believe in the potential of Orbital Systems 😉
Phase 2 consists of an attempt at communication, our antennas will be built later this semester, to perform most of these actions. Phases 3 and 4 consist of orbital corrections, as we will enter Lunar orbit, at a very specific point, which requires the greatest possible perfection. Phase 5 will conclude after 2-3 mission days, When our Lander finally enters Lunar orbit, to start its science and technology journey. Phase 6 refers to the end of the first stage of the mission, when the Lander will perform a burn to capture from Lunar orbit, where it will remain for a long time in preparation for landing.

The Launch

We thank Orbital Systems for accepting this endeavor and helping us boost tomorrow's possibilities, believing in the project and providing help. It will be extremely important to launch this mission on the Canopus rocket, a rocket that has a beautiful and promising future in the space business!

Thank you to all our investors for helping us in this magnificent work, and soon we will explore the cosmos from the Moon!

Philippine - Orbital Systems - KNOX

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