The ability to add custom attachment nodes to surfaces (specifically top or bottom) of objects. Static nodes that can be snapped to with other objects.

I built a round battery platform to build on, and used the center node on both the top and bottom. I wanted to mate other objects/parts to the top surface of the battery platform while retaining fuel lines, crossfeed, etc.

It would be nice to add extra nodes with a node tool, and then use the radial tool to add the extra nodes you need around the surface of the platform.
"Surface" attachment is still available, but attaching to the tops or bottoms of objects while the center node is already taken is currently impossible.
You can "attach to surface", but can't attach to the top or bottom surface and retain proper functionality.

This node flexibility would enable easier attachment of extra objects on the tops and bottoms of cylindrical, or any object with a top and bottom surface--for unorthadox builds. Plus, fuel transfer between multiple objects and attaching to top/bottom surfaces would just be easier with some new node tools. ;)

Plus I want to make an assembly that stays together. I have a generator next to a fuel tank. I've made some "fuel hoses" connected between the tank and generator. But with the generator only having one bottom node, I can't mate the hoses and fuel tank to the generator if the bottom node gets used up by mating to the top of the platform. (The gen has no surface mount capability; only the bottom node.) I can connect a hose to the side of the generator by manually using up the bottom node on the generator, but then I can't mount the generator to the battery platform top surface for fuel transfer capability (battery). The fuel tank has a bottom node that can attach to top surface, but I can't attach the entire mated assembly to the top surface when I HAVE to have that generator bottom node attached.

Anyways I'd like to freely move parts around, in and out, and not have to worry about where the command pod/chip is, or if I'm even able to mount to a predetermined node. I feel this limits creativity a bit in sandbox mode.

Thanks for reading!!



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    Absolutely, I've been wanting to be able to attach parts to interstages like they're fuselages for a while now.

    +1 9 months ago
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    Unfortunately attachment points are done in unity.

    11 months ago
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    2 eekee

    Please excuse my inexperience with Juno. I don't understand what's wrong with attaching to surface and moving the part into position. Does something not work when you do that?

    11 months ago
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    387 CloakPin

    Would be nice.
    At the moment we have to add a tiny fuel tank we must hide or fit in creatively for its infinite surface attachments.

    +2 11 months ago


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