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joined 7.0 years ago

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Brields95. made it to gold on the Simpleplanes site. Learning Simplerockets 2. You'll notice I delete and reupload crafts a lot. this is because I keep finding ways to improve them.

Major Projects:
Blue Cow Based on Simpleplnes AI Race Plane
Corsair Based on Tarpley's corsair
M1 Dart Based on Andrew Garrison's Dart from Simpleplanes.
Kicking Fish an F-16ish rendition of Boxglow's Kicking fish.
Starfighter Based on Jundroo's New Plane, aka the F-104.

Trainer Jet Based on UnstableOrbit's trainer from early Simpleplanes. subbsecuently this one is heavily based on the Grumman LFX

Vertigo Based on Mr. Garrisons Vertigo from simpleplanes witch in turn is based on the XF10F Jaguar.

Previously known as Brields95, KnightofMandalor, Kittyhawk909, Stinkypinky, Kittyhawk208