Auto Credit Based on Jundroo's Juno System


For those who want a new, more unique gameplay experience but still enjoy the familiar Juno system, Novum Astris gives the stock system a much-needed overhaul, adding in new planets and remaking existing ones. It is well-suited for a career-based campaign with its large selection of celestial bodies.


The innermost planet of a new-yet-still-familiar system, Vulco is a barren world devoid of any sign of life. It lacks atmosphere; something that makes slowing down into orbit a monumental challenge given its low gravity. Its surface is quite intriguing, with massive canyons cutting deep scars across Vulco.


While the challenge of Vulco may seem too immense for some, there's Sergeaa; much more forgiving than before. Despite this, it still is a dry planet in a moist greenhouse state, hence its thick atmosphere and high temperatures. It may have had liquid water and potentially life in its distant past but all that has long since vanished, burned away by the massive heat of Juno.


Still the home of the space program, as it always was, Droo is the only planet with life in the known universe. It is covered in lush forests, sandy deserts, and vast oceans made of liquid water. Its three loyal moons form quite a rich system; Brigo is known for its massive impact crater, Luna is the highlight of the night sky, while tiny little T.T. swings around the planet in a retrograde orbit.


Located in between Droo and Cylero is Taeh, an airless, barren planet not unlike Vulco: it is the least dense of the inner planets and has the lowest gravity of them, therefore it is very well-suited for small, cheap lander missions to precede a larger, more robust surface operation.


The last of the inner terrestrial worlds is a cold, dry world that retains a fair amount of atmosphere. Its modest gravity and fairly flat terrain make it a prime spot for driving rovers on. Two small asteroid moons orbit it: tiny little Niobe, and larger, supposedly tastier Herma.


Known as a dwarf planet, Sekmet inhabits a region of space that is full of rocky debris left over from the system's formation long ago. Its diminutive gravitational pull was apparently enough for it to snatch one of these rocks from its orbit, now its moon Mel,


The tallest of the local planets, massive Tydos reigns supreme over all others in size, mass, and gravity. A large gas giant, it has a complex system of moons to justify its size: the small rock Bab, arid Ian, the huge, wet Nebra, which is larger than Vulco, icy Orcus, and lastly is distant Miros, in an elliptical orbit.


A small, calm-looking ice giant, Creslynn is much smaller than massive Tydos, yet its bright rings set it apart from its much larger neighbor. It governs the outer edge of the main system; beyond it lies a belt of ice dwarfs and comets. Its four moons are small Jastrus, which helps to keep the ring in line; icy Boreas, bulky Taurus, its methane lakes shrouded by a cloudy atmosphere, and small Hypatchion, cratered as it may be.

Mesch & Plaro

These two small, distant orbs of ice form a neatly balanced gravitational dance of interplanetary proportions; their orbits cross each other every so often. The more distant of the two, Plaro, has a thin atmosphere to complement its cold surface.


  • Predecessor: Juno System
  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version: 0.9.906.0


Name Parent Radius Surface Gravity Apoapsis Periapsis
Juno 139.1 Mm 274.0 m/s - -
Vulco Juno 597 km 4.6 m/s 5,234.5 Mm 4,694.0 Mm
Sergeaa Juno 1,036 km 6.9 m/s 8,806.7 Mm 8,697.9 Mm
Droo Juno 1,274 km 9.8 m/s 14,149.6 Mm 13,810.7 Mm
Brigo Droo 213 km 1.4 m/s 21,336 km 21,335 km
Luna Droo 296 km 1.6 m/s 55,173 km 50,592 km
T.T. Droo 75 km 0.4 m/s 82,234 km 72,615 km
Taeh Juno 597 km 3.4 m/s 19,675.0 Mm 18,817.4 Mm
Cylero Juno 678 km 5.5 m/s 25,828.8 Mm 24,816.9 Mm
Niobe Cylero 3,675 m 0.1 m/s 1,572 km 1,571 km
Herma Cylero 30 km 0.1 m/s 4,286 km 3,578 km
Sekmet Juno 212 km 1.4 m/s 41,691.5 Mm 36,238.0 Mm
Mel Sekmet 9,761 m 0.1 m/s 7,882 km 7,879 km
Tydos Juno 14,000 km 24.8 m/s 81,091.7 Mm 75,731.4 Mm
Bab Tydos 21 km 0.1 m/s 36,555 km 36,511 km
Ian Tydos 333 km 2.2 m/s 53,585 km 53,489 km
Nebra Tydos 788 km 5.6 m/s 104.3 Mm 103.9 Mm
Orcus Tydos 263 km 1.3 m/s 186.9 Mm 185.5 Mm
Miros Tydos 127 km 0.6 m/s 1,550.6 Mm 862.1 Mm
Creslynn Juno 4,600 km 11.8 m/s 140,537.3 Mm 129,412.6 Mm
Jastrus Creslynn 30 km 0.1 m/s 14,106 km 14,106 km
Boreas Creslynn 140 km 1.0 m/s 33,258 km 33,244 km
Taurus Creslynn 439 km 2.9 m/s 86,254 km 86,252 km
Hypatchion Creslynn 44 km 0.2 m/s 228.7 Mm 187.1 Mm
Mesch Juno 157 km 0.8 m/s 241,182.5 Mm 189,508.2 Mm
Plaro Juno 213 km 1.1 m/s 252,516.5 Mm 191,800.5 Mm



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