1.0.5 Update


  • Camera/Mouse inputs can now be completely reconfigured in the Settings Menu (Settings/Game/Camera & Mouse). It comes with a preset for those that prefer little green men
  • Added an animated tooltip to notify players how to recenter the view, only shown until they click the recenter button for the first time
  • Stuff for nerds

    • Added support for referencing local variables in a FUNK expression. Note: This can potentially break existing programs if they reference global variables where a local variable exists in the current scope with the same name

    • Added AngularVelocity, TimeDelta, and TimeMultiplier to funk

    • Added a getter for the bounding box corners of a craft

    • Added a getter for the dry/wet mass and a setter for the Fuel Transfer mode of a part in Vizzy

    • Added an input override in the RCN to enable using Throttle to set its power with a single input


  • Career

    • Added a button to refresh the available contracts

    • Added support for rejecting contracts to prevent them from being offered again until the player un-rejects them

    • Added flairs to the contracts that unlock more contracts so players can get new contracts by fulfilling the contracts that progress in the contracts

    • Changed how fast the amount of satellites in a single contract grows and added a paragraph in the description hinting players toward ridesharing

    • Include the flybys in the difficulty of the procedural orbit contracts so players that have farmed flybys get offered orbits in further planets

    • Make the deadline in celestial body contracts depend on what body is being visited

    • Contact deadlines now show in the active contract requirements in the flight scene

    • If a contract has a deadline, it is now always shown under the requirements section to prevent confusion between deadlines and expiration times

    • Prevent contracts from being generated if a contract with the same name and subtitle already exists

  • Parachutes

    • Lowered the drag of the parachutes so they don't snap as easy

    • Added more information to the parachute inspector panel in flight to ease using them, the force that broke that snapped the parachute in the logs and raised the snap threshold substantially

  • Balancing

    • Changed the density of the graphite nozzle to a very large value to account for the fact that the game thinks its volume is just the cone and not the whole cylinder, making the mass of the amateur engines much more realistic

    • Made larger RCN more expensive, and smaller RCN cheaper

    • Lowered the price of the RCN and improved how the price was differentiated between the gimbal and no-gimbal versions

    • Fixed a typo in the base mass of the amateur engine type making them 14kg heavier than they should

    • Increased the max temperature for Droods to 200ºC and tourists to 150ºC

    • Made the tourists a touch lighter and removed the fuel tank on them, further reducing their mass

  • Moar info

    • Added drag losses to the performance category of flight data

    • Moved the Mach number to the velocity category and temperature to performance in the flight data panel

    • Show the throttle response time of an engine in the inspector

    • Added the current planet name to the flight inspector window and the planet name, apoapsis, periapsis, time to apoapsis, and time to periapsis to the map view inspector window

    • Added an option to show SOI spheres in the map view

  • Changed the vizzy FUNK expression to have a dark background
  • Changed the time formatting in contracts to split minutes and seconds instead of showing decimal minutes
  • Default wings to use symmetric airfoil now that the fins use their own airfoil, so vertical stabilizers left with semi don't generate unwanted forces
  • Gamepad/Joystick input is no longer ignored when the game does not have focus
  • Subtle improvement in the look of the smoke particles in small engines
  • Accumulate the total boom power from multiple-part explosions in the craft event requirement when set to the Explosion event
  • Added support for less, equal, and greater part count requirements. Greater is inclusive, less is exclusive

Bug Fixes

  • Performance improvements

    • Improved the frame rate dip when loading new tutorial steps

    • Fixed large frame rate drops when manipulating parts in the designer for high part count craft

    • Massively improved performance when highlighting UI elements in tutorials

    • Various minor performance improvements in the Designer Platform and Craft Bound calculation

  • Fixed bug where Mach number was not showing up in designer info panel
  • Fixed a bug preventing some part data from showing up in the design info panel if the part had more than one modifier that had to print things there
  • Stop supporting legacy parachutes, they will be auto-updated
  • Fixed a bug in map view where some orbit info on mouse hover would not display when a planet is under the mouse cursor
  • Fixed a bug in map view where some orbit info on mouse hover would not display when paused
  • The first orbit tutorial will no longer ask you to resize your engine to 81% when 80% and 82% are the only options
  • Changed some instances of the old name that were still hanging around in some dialogs
  • Prevent the "is missing a source" message from being thrown by the piston validation
  • Ensure that the generator power scale is clamped when the player uses the text input field
  • Ensure the engine throttle is clamped in flight when the player uses the text input method
  • Fixed a bug causing comments in vizzy to count toward the instructions per frame and consume power
  • Prevent running through the craft filter when re-loading the load craft view after applying a filter and sending a null in the string
  • Fixed a typo in the eccentricity requirement adding an extra m at the end
  • Fixed inconsistencies in the airspeed milestone descriptions and lowered the altitude threshold for the Droo one to 15km instead of 30
  • Fixed a bug allowing the use of crew habitats before unlocking them
  • Fixed a bug where fairings might not jettison correctly from a Vizzy program if they are in the same stage as an interstage
  • Fixed a bug where small wheels could become stuck in the ground
  • Fixed a bug where the UI did not refresh correctly after clicking the track this craft button in the tracked launch requirement
  • Fixed a bug where Saving and Exiting from a flight and then launching a new craft could cause a contract to be reset when resuming the craft that was originally tracking the contract
  • More of the map view inspector should be functional when pinned in the flight scene
  • Fixed bug where payload requirement would not correctly reset when launching a new craft with the payload after a previous launch without a payload
  • Contract deadlines in the contracts dialog now update in the flight scene
  • Fixed a bug that always showed the contract expiration time instead of the contract deadline for accepted contracts
  • Fixed a bug where the player could easily farm orbit, flyby, and contact milestones by having a Drood enter and re-exit a craft
  • Fixed incorrect craft validation error "Is missing a source" when using pistons
  • Fixed bug where add noise list view did not show any items

1.0.6 Update


  • Tweaked the tooltip for the Roll PIDs Vizzy block to specify that it only works on plane mode
  • Added the stage delta v to FlightData so it can be retrieved from funk
  • Added a new part search format for funk part references that searches parts by their part ID, prefixing it with $

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused the autopilot validation to fail to find the battery source
  • Fixed a bug causing the spool-up time to show 0s in the design info
  • Fixed a bug preventing flight tutorials from working when a player tried the contract with a non-tutorial craft before

18 Items


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    27.1k Zenithspeed

    "It comes with a preset for those that prefer little green men"
    damnit, humour like this is why i like JNO/SR2 so much

    don't get me wrong, the other space game is cool too, but unfortunately i haven't played it for many many years so i've missed out a ton

    2.0 years ago
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    14.2k FalconAero

    @Dave463 there isn't supposed to be

    2.0 years ago
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    15 Dave463

    Hey is there no tinker panel for career mode

    2.0 years ago

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15 Dave463