1.2.2 Update

For the modders, we updated the Unity version to 2022.3.20f1

New Version

The main feature of 1.2.2 is the creation of a new Mobile Version implementing a "Freemium" model, which instead of consisting of a single purchase is split into a free version with most of the content of the game and 4 bundles to get the complete Juno experience.

  • Career Bundle

    • Unlocking contracts provided by Pricklespac, Chuck and Shotwell

    • Access to the contracts that unlock Ali, the DSC and Luna Launch Locations

    • Access to high reward contracts to make it easier to pay for interplanetary missions and unlock all Tech

  • Engineering Bundle

    • Editing Vizzy scripts

    • Saving subassemblies

    • Editing the procedural properties of rockets, jets, propellers and wheels

  • Sandbox Bundle

    • Having more than two crafts at once in flight

    • Having access to all planets in Sandbox Mode

    • Saving custom Launch Locations while in flight

    • Having access to Ali and Luna Launch Locations in Sandbox Mode

    • Enabling the selection of Custom Systems downloaded from the website

    • Enabling the use of the properties in the Tinker Panel and the Flight Cheats

    • Enabling the use of the dev console

  • Remove Ads

    • Download crafts from the website without having to watch ads, without this an ad will be played after every 4 downloads or 10 minutes

    • Upload unlisted content to the website to easily do back ups, move it between devices or share it with friends

    • Remove in-game ads entirely, without this an ad will play when launching a craft, no more than once every 4 launches or 10 minutes

The existing version of the game will still be available for those wanting to buy it all in one single purchase for a slightly cheaper price.


  • Added a new View Mode called "2D" that snaps the camera to look straight into the Nav Sphere's Pitch disc, so it is easier to get to orbit for players used to SimpleRockets 1 and similar games
  • Added a limit to the Gs Droods and Tourists can tolerate, which can be tweaked in the hidden properties or scaled with the damage flight cheat
  • Enhanced the clarity (and aesthetics) of text panels throughout the UI, mostly noticeable in part properties
  • Added a 'Chase Camera Smoothing' setting in the game settings for flight
  • Added two presets for fuel tanks that contain battery in electronics
  • Updated the tutorial crafts to use the new fancy wings
  • Hide Report Bug button in Planet Studio on mobile
  • Made battery infinite when infinite fuel is enabled
  • Let fuel lines go through fuel tanks set to None
  • Removed the unlock transparency joke


  • Made it easier to make overrides of the stock career by defaulting to the stock career when folders or files aren't found, and added an "ExtraContracts" folder so more contracts can be added without affecting the existing ones, updating how Hybrid works to take advantage of this change
  • Ensure a payload contract is terminated if the payload is lost and the mission isn't undone, to prevent players from getting into a locked state
  • Automatically start a tutorial when entering the designer if the player has accepted a contract with a designer tutorial they have not seen yet
  • Fixed a bug preventing 5 blade props from being selected, and preventing 3 blade propellers from being selected in career after unlocking 5
  • Changed <SpawnCraft.OrbitLocation> planet attribute to planetName to be more consistent with <SpawnCraft.LaunchLocation>
  • Ensure orbit requirements aren't completed until there's enough clearance of the atmosphere even if the tolerance allows for it
  • Balanced the landing gear so they don't get suspension before unlocking it and balanced its min-scale mass
  • Fixed a loophole that allowed using maneuver nodes before unlocking them
  • Moved contracts panel so that it doesn't overlap throttle on mobile
  • Slight tweaks to Tech Tree costs
  • Rebalanced some contracts and tweaked descriptions to hopefully make requirements more clear
  • Pushed the contracts that require bringing containers to after Payload Deliveries, so players experience small boxes in a short distance first

Bug Fixes

  • Prevent a common Null Ref caused by the Performance Analysis running before the craft is properly initialized
  • Fixed a bug causing going into first person view in a drood to mess with the underwater and vacuum audio filters
  • Fixed a bug causing the fuselage shape tool to snap to the wrong grid size in fuselages with X or Z offset
  • Fixed a bug where the chase camera view could occasionally receive an unwanted position change
  • Fixed a bug causing pistons with 0 power consumption to stop working when battery ran out
  • Fixed a bug causing parachutes to shoot down on crafts with high body drag moving fast
  • Adjusted the thickness of the tire tracks to better match the shape of the wheels
  • Use m2 instead of m for the wing area in the designer info panel
  • Prevent wheels inside of interstages from causing ghost forces
  • Prevented cubemap generation from hanging the main thread
  • Greatly reduced the CPU load on crafts with large part counts
  • Account for propellers in the thrust gizmo
  • Tweaked the orbit line shaders to hopefully deal with an odd bug in Google Tensor chips causing player craft orbit lines to go black


  • Using the AddBuildUserInterfaceXmlAction API to hook into the UI loading process should now support LayoutRebuild actions for XML files included via the ChildXmlLayout tag
  • The mod tools will now attempt to auto-upgrade outdated packages from the package manager when necessary
  • Tweaked the log-clearing logic for the mod tools project setup
  • Shader code is now included in the mod tools package

14 Items


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  • Profile image
    0 chowtp

    It definitely need to remove the joke since Jundroo add the free-unlock version to JNO, just like spaceflight simulator lol

    +1 one year ago
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    it seems g limiter vizzy will be a necessity now haha yes, thanks

    one year ago
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    Drood g-force limits, huh? Don’t mind if I do.

    one year ago
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    The new versions of the game are evolving significantly. Since the update that made engine exhaust more realistic, I have observed that the game demonstrates an enormous capacity for evolution. As a way of contributing to this development, I would like the developers to add an effect to the structures (tank, engines, wings and other mechanisms) so that they stain with the high heat when re-entering the atmosphere of planets or satellites that have one. Other than that, the new updates are very good and realistic.

    one year ago
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    The 2d view outclassed all SP1 clones

    one year ago
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    5,357 OverCAT83

    @LeMagicBaguette yea fr that was like one of the last things from SR2

    one year ago
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    4,422 PZLAgencies

    @Activatewindows ok

    one year ago
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    @PZLAgencies make sure you're using the beta, also clouds are being worked on by some modders so wait 3 - 5 business days

    one year ago
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    4,422 PZLAgencies

    also I can't update the app on PC (Steam) or on iOS. Is it already out?

    one year ago
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    4,422 PZLAgencies

    I would have uninstalled this game if this bug wasn't fixed. This is a needed bug fix for everybody.
    Also when are you going to put clouds in?

    one year ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @Welliedowner it's another alternative for players to choose, and it seems to be a model that works really well in mobile, so we are hoping to bring new players with the new version

    one year ago
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    Why the freemium model

    one year ago
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    4,422 PZLAgencies

    Thank god the fixed the parachute bug. That bug was annoying. Now I can upload one of my W.I.Ps.


    one year ago
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    Nooo, not the Unlock!

    +2 one year ago


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