Auto Credit Based on Cleptrophese's SLS + Orion (Fixed, and with crew)

Okay, next time I make a rocket I want to upload, I'm going to make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN it's something that I'm happy with. This SHOULD be the final update of this, sorry there are so many. Anyway, I realised I mentioned in the last update that the Orion spacecraft can't actually land on any planetary bodies, which is true, meaning that you'll need a separately launched lander to dock to the Orion and, well, land. Unfortunately, I forgot to incorporate a docking port into the command module, so I have to upload this. I swear, I won't change anything else after this, unless I paint the boosters, but...ehh. Anyway, there is now a docking port atop the command module, and the launch escape tower has been shifted and changed, slightly. The system does still work (and the mirroring system made that a pain in the arse), in that it will pull the command capsule free and drag it clear. It also will still detach as stage three (which I am debating, actually, as if the SRBs do hit the first stage, the LAS may be a useful thing to have). Anyway, this should be the final update of this rocket, I'm just about done with it.

Sorry! Late edit, I know. With that in mind, here are the new active groups:
1: Parachutes
2: Drogue Chutes
3: Lights
4: Launch Escape System
5: Disconnect Launch Abort Tower
6: Activate Docking Port Magnets
9: Solar Panels (Extend/Retract)
0: Reaction Control System On/Off



  • Total Delta V: 12.9km/s
  • Total Thrust: 321.0MN
  • Engines: 35
  • Wet Mass: 1.18E+7kg
  • Dry Mass: 5.92E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 19 7.6km/s 263.2MN 5.0m 1.18E+7kg
2 0 0m/s 0N 0s 8.14E+6kg
3 0 0m/s 0N 0s 8.13E+6kg
5 1 2.2km/s 5.9MN 3.4m 7.68E+5kg
8 1 3.1km/s 1.6MN 3.2m 1.78E+5kg


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    @Brandond678 Hmm..Maybe check the staging? It should be fine, but I don't know how/if that transfers to the download.

    4.1 years ago
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    So yeah launched and the two boosters launched and left the main craft standstill

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    @Sneezitz No worries! I agree it's a bit under-detailed, I'm just not good enough to change that, yet :P

    4.1 years ago
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    @Cleptrophese Ah that makes sense. Didn’t know if was your first real craft. Sorry m8

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    @Sneezitz This is the first rocket I've actually genuinely attempted to make 'look good' and actually function, so it's going to have some underdetailed bits, and I'm not really good enough to detail it much more. I might come back to it later, though, when I'm better at the game :)

    4.1 years ago
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    Awesome! Check out my rockets!

    4.1 years ago
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    You might wanna focus on the details more.

    +1 4.1 years ago

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