Auto Credit Based on Cleptrophese's SLS + Orion (Updated)

That's right, the spacecraft has crew, now. So now, the launch escape system actually has a purpose (unless, of course, you don't really care about the astronauts' lives, in which case...well, you COULD use it to kill them...). Speaking of the launch abort system, I have fixed it. If you used my previous "fixed" SLS, you may have noticed that the launch abort tower basically pulled the capsule straight up, and then dropped it right back down on top of the rocket. Not all that helpful...
Also, the parachutes weren't NEARLY strong enough to slow it, so the LAS was useless, anyway. And yeah, the parachutes may look like overkill now, I assure you, they aren't. It absolutely does need that many in order to land, and it's still a rather rough touchdown. Assuming you're not the kind of person I mentioned earlier, and you do want to keep your astronauts alive, here's how to use the launch abort system:
In the event of an emergency, press '4.' This will disconnect the main crew capsule from the rest of the rocket, including the service module, and fire six SRBs, which will pull the aforementioned capsule free and send it hurtling away. Then press '5' to disconnect the launch abort tower (preferably while the SRBs are still firing for safety). Once the capsule begins heading down, press '2' to fire the drogue chutes, in order to begin slowing the descent. Once the capsule slows to 110 m/s, press '1' to fire the parachutes, which should slow the descent to 8 or 9 m/s. Then allow it to drift down. It should land intact, although the 'chutes, lights, and RCS nozzles will come loose. The astronauts WILL survive, however.
This is basically all I've changed. Well, actually, there probably are other fixes, but those are the main ones. Enjoy flying!

(Oh, and final note: this spacecraft CAN NOT LAND on any interplanetary bodies, despite it's ability to reach them. You will need a SEPARATE landing craft.)


  • Predecessor: SLS + Orion (Updated)
  • Successors 1 craft(s)
  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version: 0.9.307.0
  • Price: $638,455k
  • Number of Parts: 218
  • Dimensions: 174 m x 41 m x 21 m


  • Total Delta V: 12.9km/s
  • Total Thrust: 321.0MN
  • Engines: 35
  • Wet Mass: 1.18E+7kg
  • Dry Mass: 5.92E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 19 7.6km/s 263.2MN 5.0m 1.18E+7kg
2 0 0m/s 0N 0s 8.15E+6kg
3 0 0m/s 0N 0s 8.13E+6kg
5 1 2.2km/s 5.9MN 3.4m 7.68E+5kg
8 1 3.1km/s 1.6MN 3.2m 1.78E+5kg

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