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The XOB-100P is a cover/potenial name for this prototype misslie, Frankly its not that intersting the USAF is just in short supply.
We need help with extending the range of this, curently its around 25+ Km. USAF requests 60+ Km.
We cannot figure out a way to do this without wideing the body though the real limitation is the engine, Anymore mass causes it to go under 1.50/1 TWR the USAF requrements state that it cannot be any lower than that. So does anyone have a clue on how to extend the range without decreaseing TWR?
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4,811 TweedleAerospace
@NeSProgram hey do you want this to be launched from space or the atmosphere. Because it only has a 0.49/1 TWR at 0 km
563 NeSProgram
@Tweedle_Aerospace Thanks, You shouldn't need the beta to download this.
4,811 TweedleAerospace
I would help but I do not have the latest version. Try using different fuels and changing the nozzle length for different altitudes. But different altitudes will not favor the same engine specs. The rule is a longer nozzle at higher altitudes and shorter for lower. But don’t just automatically set it to the highest or lowest section
@Tweedle_Aerospace Yeah atmoshpere, I found that out. I changed the engine and didn't test it.