This is improved version Of my original!
This is the SSTO auto X2 is a fully automatic rocket to orbit you don’t even have to do a thing!
In the recent update,
I have added a system so the first stage is now recoverable (only manule thing).
there’s no payload in the cargo bay so you can now put your own in there!
The rocket also has a higher payload Capacity going from 10 tons to 13tons! The rocket also has better script, and has a new orbital accuracy from 10 km within the Orbital target to 3km within the orbital target!!
This rocket is a must have for anyone who hates doing stuff manuall of if you like rockets with acceleration speed of 60m/s!
I’m very proud of this rocket and I hope you guys like it too! I plan for more models of this rocket to come out soon, such as a bigger version with a planed capacity of plan 20 tons to high earth orbit. As well as the same rocket but with a high deoo orbit script.
— Aurora CO. Space industries
“Macking aeronautics the new simple”
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361 TopGottem101fly
Ya your wrong aSSTO is a rocket that can get to orbit on only one FUELED stage that makes thrust. So if theres 2 stages but one one is powered then its a SSTO@Chtite451SR2
11.5k Chtite451SR2
to be honest i think the fairing counts as a stage... so not an SSTO (unless im wrong)
@TopGottem101fly ah ok