The Argo-1 light colonization vessel has been rolled out to Launchpad 2 in preparation for the SM-1 launch. The crew shall fly in shortly to begin training at the Starborn Aerospace Space Center.
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@sompelrikets Well, first all of you are going to live in a flight simulator for a few weeks to prepare for the mission.
I am boarding balcony now
@sompelrikets There is a small elevator that leads up to the boarding balcony.
Okay but how to board
@sompelrikets When the rest of the crew does a few hours before launch. Launch has no solid date, but the ship is prepared for launch at a moment's notice.
Packed my bags.
Now when should I board the rocket?????????
@Tarian If it's unlisted, you'll have to ping me on the post.
@StarbornCelestial1 hopefully I just did that don't know if it worked with an unlisted post though
@Tarian Yeah, I'll just need you to post your drood so I can add them to the crew.
@VSXA Alright! Ready for launch!
@StarbornCelestial1 whooooo yeah my person got in.
just packed my bags last night, pre-flight.
@TerTech That is the plan! Once the crew arrives, they will train for the mission while living on site.
Hey, is the Atmoskipper gonna fly to the space center and the crew will train there?
@TerTech @Vedhaspace
@sompelrikets @Tarian @118Industries
@Chtite451SR2 Ah. I see.
@StarbornCelestial1 it doesn’t work (on purpose), It only pings the first 3, all others are ignored
It makes sense to me lol
Worked for me
@Chtite451SR2 Will it not work, or is it not allowed?
@StarbornCelestial1 👌
However… too many pings in 1 message…
You can only ping 3 people per message
Except if your a mod lol
@Hermes01000100 @Chtite451SR2 @ItsMeIshaan @sompelrikets @Tarian @118Industries @TerTech @Vedhaspace
This is the Science mission one ship! It is on the pad!
@StarbornCelestial1 ok