dust launched from pad 39a this morning, and climbed up to space., the first stage shutdown 3 mins into flight and separated. the vixen vac engine ignited and the fairings separated, the probe and its second stage made a burn to reach jupiter, after some gravity assists from earth and venus, the spacecraft finally arrived at upiter, it made a nominal insertion burn, and separated from its upper kickstage. the spacecaft made a burn, and reached europa, shortly after attempting the europa insertion burn, mission control noticed that the 2 ion thrusters on the probe were not working. causing the probe to miss the europa insertion burn, the team at horizonspace got the probe to encounter europa again, this time, completing the insertion burn with the probes center engine, the probe separated the lander capsule and the lander capsule, fell to the surface, it crashed into europa and we lost contact with it, then due to the orbiter making the deorbit burn for the lander craft, the orbiter was also on a collision course, the single engine was rotated to give the required orbit burn, but the engine was no longer giving the required power, the team, rotated the probe, and with just 5 seconds to colliision, the probe managed to make a low flyby of 4km above europa, the probe took some imagery before intentionally crashing into jupiter.

the failures of the prove were not intentional, and actually happened, so, i was lucky to be able to save the probe



  • Total Delta V: 133.4km/s
  • Total Thrust: 36.7MN
  • Engines: 24
  • Wet Mass: 1.27E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 8.44E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 12 45.2km/s 23.4MN 16.6m 1.27E+6kg
3 1 43.5km/s 7.7MN 99,339years 3.49E+5kg
5 1 200m/s 543kN 83s 2.32E+5kg
7 3 40.8km/s 2.2MN 34,501,762years 2.13E+5kg
9 1 3.7km/s 508kN 37s 10,876kg


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    7,961 TerraSpaceYT

    @DSpacee Thank you so much for that kind message, i really really appreciate that, its been a hard couple of years, but i will try my best, i will keep posting, dont worry : D,

    1.3 years ago
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    189 DSpacee

    Ight thanks, I’m just hoping you don’t quit cause your one of the last (good) space company’s left

    1.3 years ago
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    7,961 TerraSpaceYT

    @DSpacee also I'll give you some information about the next upload, it will be an upgrade to my old reselence style rocket that I've been working on for the past month, then more updates to the launch vehicle above😀. But... I'm planning a whole different chain of rockets that will have a release date of no earlier than the 23rd of May, this new rocket will be released next week, and when it is, my quantity and quality levels will go up with it, I promise this new rocket which I'll release next week, will have ALOT of detail 😀

    1.4 years ago
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    7,961 TerraSpaceYT

    @DSpacee the next post is later today my guy🤣, I prefer quality over quantity if your asking about my upload schedule🤣

    1.4 years ago
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    189 DSpacee

    @HORIZONSPACEUK this better not turn into another Ispace WHEN IS THE NEXT POST

    1.4 years ago
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    7,961 TerraSpaceYT

    @RudimentaryCheezit :)

    1.4 years ago
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    7,961 TerraSpaceYT

    @GRIFFINAEROSPACE what the.... XD

    1.4 years ago
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    i need to go to eight
    help me
    my timeline is ending
    Let alperen in 88888888

    1.4 years ago
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    189 DSpacee

    Bro wrote an essay

    1.4 years ago
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    7,961 TerraSpaceYT

    @SamTheFox XD :)

    1.4 years ago
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    i'm amazed

    1.4 years ago


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