Auto Credit Based on RocketScienceCo's Bravo 1 v8 1.1

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Introduction to the Rocket

Hello guys and this the Bravo 1 v9. The Bravo 1 v9 is a successor to the Bravo 1 v8 1.1. I improved the engine performance and changed the fuel back to kerolox to improve its range and capabilities.

Flight Plan Instructions

As all of you know I don’t change the flight plan and landing procedures that much but for the Bravo 1 v9 it is very important to read the instructions. To fly this rocket you will need to activate AG 5 and 6, then open Slider 1 and 2 and set it to -100%. This will lower the fins and make it flush with the fuel tank. 3...2...1 Ignition and Liftoff of the Bravo 1 v9. After your dramatic lift speech change the pitch of the rocket to 75* when you reach the height of 1.5 km. Next, when you reach 10 km change your pitch to 45. After that, change the pitch to 30 when you reach the height of 20 km. Lastly, change your pitch to 15* when you reach the height of 30 km and then wait for the fuel tank to reach 16* percent and then stop the engines and then separate the stages.

On the second stage the pitch should be 10* and then continue to make a sub-orbit flight plan, or in a simpler way just make a crash course that can give you enough time to land the first stage.

Landing Procedures

After the setting, the sub-orbit for the second stage, switch back to the first stage and then turn everything off. When you have turned everything off turn on AG 10, 6 and 5. Slider 1 should be set to -100% or 100% and Slider 2 you can close it. Then press the green circle or press the Retrograde button. After that wait speed up the process and then wait until you reach 20 km and then activate AG 4 and then when you reach 16 km activate AG 3. When you have slowed down enough turn off AG 3 and then land with the center engine, but don’t forget to deploy the landing legs.

Boost Back Burn

To perform a boost back burn you will need to save 30% of your fuel to perform the boost back burn. To start you will use all the engines and then the pitch should be 15*. Keep burning until your fuel is 10% and then do all the normal landing procedures. Press the Retrograde button, turn off everything and then turn on rcs and AG 5 and 6 for the fins. Nlw don’t activate the engine at 20km activate all 3 engines at 10 km and then turn the outer 2 when you have slowed down enough. Lastly, deploy landing legs.

Activation Groups Controls:

AG 1 - Satellite Controls
AG 2 - 6 outer Titan engines
AG 3 - 2 outer Titan engines
AG 4 - Center Titan engine
AG 5 and 6 - Fin Control
AG 8 - Landing Legs
AG 10 - RCS

Feel free to share

Feel free to share my rocket designs, but don’t forget to give me a shout out.


Try my other rocket designs

Bravo 1 v8 1.1
Bravo 1 v7


  • Predecessor: Bravo 1 v8 1.1
  • Successors 1 craft(s)
  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version: 0.9.404.0
  • Price: $203,052k
  • Number of Parts: 114
  • Dimensions: 128 m x 13 m x 13 m


  • Total Delta V: 10.3km/s
  • Total Thrust: 52.4MN
  • Engines: 12
  • Wet Mass: 2.41E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 1.65E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 9 3.4km/s 44.3MN 1.8m 2.41E+6kg
2 2 6.9km/s 8.1MN 3.0m 5.36E+5kg
4 1 0m/s 10N 0s 3,556kg

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