Auto Credit Based on bingo343's Ah-78

The AH-80, a light attack helicopter renowned for its exceptional speed and maneuverability, was conceived as a response to the evolving needs of modern warfare. Designed by a team of Igernian engineers and aerospace experts, the AH-80 was born from a vision to create a highly agile and versatile aerial platform capable of swiftly navigating complex battlefield environments.

Drawing inspiration from the success of its predecessor, the AH-78, the AH-80 was built with an emphasis on speed and agility, making it ideally suited for reconnaissance, anti-infantry, and close air support missions. Its sleek aerodynamic design, coupled with advanced propulsion systems, enabled the AH-80 to achieve impressive speeds while maintaining exceptional maneuverability, allowing it to outmaneuver and outpace potential threats with ease.

Equipped with state-of-the-art avionics, sensor suites, and weapon systems, the AH-80 provided pilots with unparalleled situational awareness and firepower, empowering them to effectively engage enemy targets with precision and lethality. Its compact size and agile flight characteristics made it particularly well-suited for operations in urban environments, where speed and maneuverability are paramount.

Since its introduction, the AH-80 has earned a reputation as a formidable asset on the battlefield, earning the trust and confidence of pilots and ground forces alike. Its versatility and performance have made it a staple in military arsenals around the world, with Igernia proudly leading the way in the development of advanced light attack helicopters.

Main/tail rotor: Ag1
Turboshaft Engine: Ag2
Canopy: Ag3
Navigation lights: Ag4
Landing gear: Ag8
Machine guns: Slider 1
Targeting pod: Slider 2
to enter first person you must:
Tap/click the camera
Then tap/click on the other camera
Then choose copilot or Captain


  • Predecessor: Ah-78
  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $4,176k
  • Number of Parts: 94
  • Dimensions: 6 m x 9 m x 20 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 600N
  • Engines: 4
  • Wet Mass: 15,237kg
  • Dry Mass: 11,571kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 2 0m/s 0N 0s 15,237kg

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