Auto Credit Based on CentaurAerospace's [RSS] LCUS/Sail Block-A Upper Stage

Introduction to the craft:

The first stage of the LPE-V carrier rocket uses two FE-7 engines and is equipped with the latest upper stage LCUS Sail Block-A upper stage of the Sail series. It can be configured with 0, 2, or 4 LRSB-24 solid boosters, or with a universal core stage to form a CBC configuration

How to use:

*When launching, a sufficiently large and flat launch site is required. I recommend using the CSC LC-2 launch site that I have created

Press AG 1 and follow the prompts to enter the numerical value (I suggest setting the Heading to 90 , but you can also choose other angles). After confirming the correctness of the values, press AG 1 again to enter the T-15s state. After that, do not activate any grading or activation groups until reaching the Second Stage Engine Cut Off-3. According to the program load, it will enter the orbit. Due to my poor programming ability, there may be significant errors, but I have done my best to correct it. Enjoy the launch process and wait for SECO-3 before operating the vehicle freely.

Activation group:

AG 1:Auto Launch Program
AG 9: Solar panel
AG 10: Satellite RCS

This is my longest and most invested work, I hope you like it




  • Total Delta V: 49.5km/s
  • Total Thrust: 10.2MN
  • Engines: 36
  • Wet Mass: 1.47E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 5.62E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
2 2 590m/s 3.0MN 4.3m 1.47E+6kg
4 2 191m/s 4.4MN 60s 1.47E+6kg
6 0 0m/s 0N 0s 2.81E+5kg
9 6 19m/s 111kN 7s 42,925kg
10 1 48.7km/s 286kN 28.8m 42,925kg
12 0 0m/s 0N 0s 29,807kg


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    I suggest setting AP to>=500km, PE to>=150km, and Heading to 90 ° when inputting data, as this will provide a better transmission experience

    Pinned one month ago
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    1,261 macielc567


    one month ago
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    @CentaurAerospace hey it’s OK. At least you still have your main rocket to make you feel better. We can have two rockets one for me and one for you, right

    +1 one month ago
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    754 Fyrem0th

    @CentaurAerospace nice :D

    +1 one month ago
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    @FalconAero ?

    one month ago
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    14.2k FalconAero


    one month ago
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    @ColumbiaHavenXAerospace 7000p HERE

    one month ago
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    @ColumbiaHavenXAerospace I tried my best to lower it to 7000p, but I can't make it any lower. To be honest, in order to reduce it to 7000p, I deleted many details that I had been working on for several months, which made me very unhappy, but I hope you can play it now. It really moves me to see that you like this rocket and patiently communicate your needs with me. Thank you.

    one month ago
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    @CentaurAerospace well can you? Do it and then send me the link I would recommend you get it down to 7000 or 6000 parts 8000 is a bit too much for my iPad

    one month ago
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    @XRS2200 @ColumbiaHavenXAerospace I will try my best to remove some parts that will not greatly affect the appearance, and see if the number of parts can be lower

    one month ago
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    @CentaurAerospace can you just remove anything that unnecessary because I tried and tried on my iPad, but my iPad does not seem to want to do it

    one month ago
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    754 Fyrem0th

    @CentaurAerospace that must have taken so much work! 5k parts alone is complex, never mind removing that many from a 13k part build. The part count is mind-boggling!

    one month ago
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    754 Fyrem0th

    @CentaurAerospace tysm! :D

    one month ago
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    @CentaurAerospace yeah right😁

    one month ago
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    @ColumbiaHavenXAerospace Good luck with your iPad😂

    one month ago
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    @ColumbiaHavenXAerospace 8000 may be feasible, I will try to remove more things tomorrow. If it's lower, I might have to dismantle the LCUS flight controller

    one month ago
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    @CentaurAerospace I’m just trying to figure out how to get my iPad to run it

    one month ago
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    @CentaurAerospace Hey mind, would you get it down to like 6000 parts? Is it possible?

    one month ago
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    @CentaurAerospace yay now I can fly your vehicle

    one month ago
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    @ColumbiaHavenXAerospace @XRS2200 here

    one month ago
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    @ColumbiaHavenXAerospace @XRS2200 Good news! I successfully lowered it to 8500p
    I deleted some cables and first level flight control from LCUS, and even with some modified tower structures, it only costs around 8500p!
    I will upload it soon!

    one month ago
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    @CentaurAerospace I use your label pack and you said in the label pack that one label equals one part 234 I don’t remember removing some labels would be improving performance right?

    one month ago
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    @CentaurAerospace get what

    one month ago
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    @ColumbiaHavenXAerospace Get

    one month ago
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    So other than those, yes@CentaurAerospace

    one month ago
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