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Auto Credit Based on HorizonsTechnologies's Juno shouldn’t be this bright this far away

Well after messimg with somebody’s craft, I went on a course back to Droo from luna, but for some reason droo has been replaced by luna and droo is seen furtehr away. Also, reentey effects are on when “entering” the armosphere.

On the map though, it shows I am on a course to droo.

Edit: In the middle of “reentry” the craft suddenly disappears without explosion and the camera breaks. So I go to the map and I realize also that the moons around droo are offsetted from the target square for targeting a celestial body.

Edit2: After opening the same system with a craft the bug stopped and everything seemed to be normal.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Artemis-1 Droo 8 5,786kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Peregrine mission-1 Luna 46 1,096kg Ground 0.0 m/s
Taur-1 Heavy Juno 21 5,022kg 2,619,954.3 Mm 10.04 km/s
Sea Dragon-37 Juno 16 867kg 15,044.5 Mm 20.95 km/s
Sea Dragon-39 Droo 228 1.68E+6kg 35,097 km 733.0 m/s
Sea Dragon Droo 27 6,721kg 40 km 3.93 km/s

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