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Fuel amount (and capacity) stored in craft xml is about 2% less than the amount shown in craft designer and in-flight part info.



Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
FSER demo 3 Droo 11 5,189kg 110 km 3.39 km/s
794kg rocket to 75km Droo orbit good B rc2 Droo 3 55kg 75 km 3.43 km/s
692kg 75km Droo orbit rev 4.3 Droo 4 64kg 75 km 3.43 km/s
minim 75km Droo orbit rev 6.5exp Droo 23 80kg 75 km 3.43 km/s
minim 75km Droo orbit rev 7.7exp Droo 18 71kg 75 km 3.43 km/s
minim 75km Droo orbit rev 9.5x Droo 4 58kg 75 km 3.43 km/s

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