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hi you said u fixed this but obviosly not u said that you fixed a bug that would cause the engines to think there is no guel when you have fuel well today ive got kerolox in this tank u can see the engines are directly fitted into this tanknits the right engine fuel but it is still saying wyvern engine needs kerolox can please do more fix than say thanks. horizonspacecraft. :/


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version: 0.9.918.1
  • Planetary System: Juno System
  • Planets: 20
  • Game Time: 1.0 days


Name Location Part Count Mass Altitude Velocity
Titan Dragonfly Droo 155 2,517kg Ground 0.0 m/s
atlas v Droo 24 50,106kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Droo 196 8.31E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Droo 195 8.68E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New-10 Droo 2 22,610kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New-11 Droo 2 22,610kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New-13 Droo 2 22,610kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New Droo 204 8.2E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New-25 Droo 3 22,620kg Ground 0.0 m/s
New-27 Droo 3 22,620kg Ground 0.0 m/s
vixen engine Droo 18 4.49E+5kg Ground 0.0 m/s
vixen engine Droo 17 1.1E+7kg Ground 0.0 m/s

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